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发表于 2017-3-15 21:15:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        内衣连锁品牌Sparkling Strawberry的研究调查显示,女性在选择内衣的时候会有十个常见的错误。你看看自己中了哪几个?
        1) The Baggy Bra1) 内衣过于宽大
        50% of women have complaints about how their brassiere fits. This is often because bra cups are too baggy, leaving you vulnerable to a cheeky nip-slip.一半的女性抱怨自己的内衣不合身,这通常是因为内衣太过宽大使得胸部易于下垂。
        Solutions: Measure Up! To avoid any bra-ma drama, know your true bra size. Get measured in a shop or thoroughly study online size guides.解决方法:让内衣尺寸符合标准!不要买任何过于夸张的内衣,按照自己的真实尺寸来买。在商店里做一次完全的测量或者上网寻求指导。
        2) Quad Boob2) 四分之一的胸部
        The opposite problem to the baggy bra, is the quad boob. This occurs when bra cups are too tight.内衣过于宽大的反面问题就是内衣只能遮住四分之一的胸部。这常常发生在内衣过紧的情况下。
        Solutions: Loosen Up – Try hooking your bra on a looser clasp and adjusting the straps.解决发放:放松内衣——试着把内衣放松一个档,并调整一下内衣的肩带。
        3) Boring Undies3) 无趣的内衣
        We’re all guilty of dismissing the adventurous and luxurious lingerie in favour of plain cotton pants.我们都有过选择普通的棉质内裤却放弃华丽浮夸的内衣的经历。
        Less than 20% of women feel brave enough for thongs.只有不到20%的女性有勇气选择丁字裤。
        Solution: Don’t Neglect Negligees – Be more confident with your curves and go for the lingerie you wouldn’t usually buy.解决方法:别再忽视长睡衣啦——自信一点,买一些平时不常购买的内衣款式。



        4) Owning Too Few Bras4) 内衣太少
        It’s important to have an array of bras to help with various outfits. Here are our top four bra must-haves to complement any outfit.为了搭配不同的服装,内衣款式的多样性是非常重要的。以下就是四款必不可少的内衣款式:
        The essentials kit: T-shirt bra, Plunge bra, Sports bra, Multi-way bra必备:T恤内衣、插片内衣、运动内衣、多种穿法的内衣
        Also, breasts change size due to weight gain or loss and periods. The average woman will wear six different bra sizes throughout her life.此外,胸部尺寸会随着体重和时间而改变。普通女性一生将会变换六种不同尺码的内衣。
        Solution: Go Shopping – Treat yourself to a few good quality bras in various styles and sizes.解决方法:去购物吧——去看看不同风格和尺码的优质内衣吧。
        5) Hoarding Bras5) 囤积内衣
        Another common mistake is that women are clinging to old bras for too long.还有一个常见的错误就是囤着很多过旧的内衣。
        Solution: Let It Go – After 8 months, your bra will be stretched and worn down.解决方法:随它去吧——每八个月就应该更换一次内衣。
        6) The VPL6) 可见的内裤痕迹
        The age-old problem of the Visible Panty Line is feared throughout the land. Watch out for the VPL, especially when stepping out in a skin-tight dress.内裤的痕迹太明显也是一个老生常谈的问题。注意不要让内裤痕迹太明显,尤其是在穿紧身裙的时候。
        Solutions: Go Commando – Apparently 1 in 10 women admit to going out while bare down there.Thong It – If you’re not one of these fearless females, the simple solution is to try a thong.解决方法:别穿内裤了——显然每十个女性中就有一个承认自己曾经“真空”出门。穿丁字裤——如果你也是一个无所畏惧的女性的话,最简单的方法就是穿丁字裤。



        7) The Muffin Top7) 小肚腩
        The dreaded muffin top is again a result of the skin-tight dress.可怕的小肚腩也是内衣裤过紧造成的结果。
        Solution: Tuck Your Tummy – This problem is often due to too small knickers. To fix it, a trusty pair of body-sculpting or high waisted knickers will give you a slim silhouette.解决方法:把你的小肚子塞进去——问题常常就出在内裤太小。塑性内裤或是高腰内裤都可以让你曲线优美。
        8) The Tightest Clasp8) 扣子扣到最紧
        It’s bad for bras if you hook on the tightest clasp immediately after buying. The tighter clasps are there to help when your bra eventually loses elasticity.买来的内衣立刻就扣到最紧的一档对内衣来说很不好。最紧的那一扣是为了在内衣最终失去弹性之后使用的。
        Solutions: Cut it Some Slack – Try hooking your bra on a looser clasp and adjusting the straps. Take It Slow – Only start using the tighter clasps after at least 1 month.解决办法:放松一点——试着将内衣放松一个档并调整肩带。慢慢来——至少在内衣买来一个月以后在加紧一个档。
        9) Not Washing Bras Often9) 不常清洗内衣
        As much as we’d hate to admit it, on average the majority of women wash their bras only 6 times a year!尽管我们非常不愿意承认,但是平均而言大多数女性每年只洗内衣六次!
        Solutions: Wash Often – It’s recommended to wash your bras every 2-3 wears.解决方法:常洗内衣——内衣最好每穿两三次就清洗一次。
        Hand Wash – When washing, it’s best to hand wash your bras.手洗——最好使用双手清洗内衣。
        Keep It Cool – If you must use a washing machine, keep it to 30 degrees.低温水洗——如果不得不机洗的话,保持水温在30度左右。
        10) Staying Away From the Seasonal10) 不买有节日气息的内衣裤
        While year-round underwear is a safe investment, there’s nothing like Christmas themed knickers or a special set on Valentine’s Day to get you in the spirit!虽然整年都能穿的内衣裤是一次保险的投资,但是没有什么比圣诞节或是情人节主题的内衣裤更能让人精神振奋啦!
        Solution: Stock up on Stockings – Treat yourself to seasonal lingerie for Valentines, Halloween, and Christmas.看看解决方法:囤积长筒袜——买一些有节日气息的内衣裤吧,比如情人节、万圣节、圣诞节等等。

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