“Superstore” has been renewed for a third season at NBC, and the comedy landed a supersized order of 22 episodes. NBC宣布续订《超级商店》第三季,第三季共22集。
“We are extremely proud of ‘Superstore,’ which is one of the smartest and funniest comedies on television today,” said Jennifer Salke, President, NBC Entertainment. “Not only does ‘Superstore’ make us laugh, but it makes us think as well.”“我们对《超级商店》颇感自豪,因为这是目前最幽默诙谐的电视剧之一,”NBC的总裁Jennifer Salke如是说。“《超级商店》这部剧不仅搞笑,更重要的是发人深思。”
Superstore airs Thursdays at 8/7c on NBC.《超级商店》目前在每周四晚8点于NBC播出。 |