Ra's al Guhl is coming to Gotham.Ra's al(蝙蝠侠的老师)要出现在《哥谭》里了。
Fox announced that Game of Thrones alum Alexander Siddig will be joining the Batman-prequel series as one of Bruce Wayne's (David Mazouz) most legendary adversaries. Comic book fans know Ra's al Guhl as one of DC's most formidable opponents; The assassin has taken on Batman, Superman and Arrow among other DC heroes over the course of his canon.FX电视塔宣布,在《权力的游戏》中有出演的男演员Alexander Siddig将会加入这部蝙蝠侠前传性质的美剧。熟悉漫画原著的粉丝们都知道,Ra's al Guhl是DC世界里最强大的反派。蝙蝠侠、超人、绿箭侠和很多DC英雄都是他的学生。
In the Gotham universe, Bruce is on a journey to take down the Court of Owls, and will discover that Ra's al Guhl is the one pulling the strings behind the mystery organization.而在《哥谭》的世界里,Bruce一直都想推翻猫头鹰法庭,而在这个过程中,他会发现Ra's al Guhl是其背后的神秘力量。
Siddig is best known for playing Doran Martell in Game of Thrones. He also appeared in 24, Da Vinci's Demons and Atlantis.Siddig最被人熟知的角色是《权力的游戏》中高庭君主道恩·马泰尔。同时他在美剧《24小时》、《达芬奇的恶魔》、《亚特兰大》中都有出演过。 |