CBS drama “Training Day” will pay remembrance to star Bill Paxton Thursday. Paxton died Saturday at age 61 from complications following heart surgery. Thursday’s episode of “Training Day” will feature a dedication to the actor at the top of the show. CBS美剧《训练日》本周四的这集将会纪念主演Bill Paxton。演员Paxton在上周六因心脏疾病去世,享年61岁。本周四的这集将特别推出一个他的奉献特辑在播出前。
Production on the 13-episode first season of “Training Day,” starring Paxton and Justin Cornwell as two LAPD detectives, wrapped in December. Thursday’s episode will air as planned in its 10 p.m. timeslot.《训练日》第一季共制作了13集,两位演员Paxton和Justin Cornwell饰演洛杉矶警局的警察,本剧在去年12月份首播。周四的这集将在原时间晚上10点播出。 |