There's no denying the Trump aesthetic is a unique one. That creosote tan / comb-over combination being instantly recognisable the world over.特朗普的审美非常独特,这一点是不可否认的。浅黄色头发搭配上为了掩盖秃顶而梳得整整齐齐的发型,使他立刻成了这个世界上一位非常好认的人。
Questions about what's happening both in and on his head have been flying around ever since he announced his intention to run for office.自特朗普有意竞选总统以来,人们就乐此不疲地对他的头部和头皮提出种种疑问。
Having been Trump's doctor for 37 years, Dr Harold N. Bornstein has the inside track on the President's health. Dr Bornstein spoke to the New York Times and revealed the secret behind those locks.哈罗德·恩·伯恩斯坦医生已经给特朗普作了37年医生,对这位总统的健康状况很有发言权。这位医生在接受《纽约时报》采访时,透露了总统头发背后的秘密。
In news that will devastate hair-plug and wig theorists, Dr Bornstein explained that the President takes a prostate-related drug, Propecia, to prevent hair loss and male pattern baldness.有人说特朗普的头发是移植的假发,但伯恩斯坦医生解释说总统用了一种前列腺激素类药物——非那雄胺生发剂——防止脱发和男性型秃,击破了谣言。
The good news about Propecia is that it has a 90 per cent success rate.关于非那雄胺生发剂,一个好消息是该药物生发成功率已达90%。
The bad news is that once the treatment is completed, it only last for six months AND the reported side-effects include mental confusion and permanent sexual dysfunction.坏消息是治疗结束后,效果只能维持6个月。而且,据报道,还会出现精神错乱、永久性性功能障碍等副作用。
Dr Bornstein - who has pretty impressive mane himself - also revealed the President took antibiotics to control rosacea, a common skin problem, and a statin for elevated blood cholesterol and lipids.伯恩斯坦医生自己长着一头浓密的头发,令人印象深刻。他还透露说总统服用了抗生素来控制红斑痤疮(一种常见的皮肤问题),并使用一种抑制素应对上升的血液胆固醇和血脂。
So there you go, it's all his hair - though a toupe sounds like a lot less hard work.瞧,这下明白了,头发都是他自己的——虽然假发论听起来更像那么回事儿。 |