Bangkok has the worst evening rush hour traffic in the world for a second consecutive year, according to GPS manufacturer TomTom. 根据GPS制造商TomTom的数据分析,曼谷已经连续两年成为全球晚高峰最堵的城市。
The results were compiled after TomTom tracked a years-worth of traffic in 390 cities across 48 countries.TomTom公司分析了48个国家390个城市一年的交通情况最终得出这一结论。
Here is the 2017 ranking of cities with the most severe evening rush hour traffic:2017全球晚高峰最堵城市排行榜:
1.Bangkok, Thailand泰国·曼谷
2.Mexico City, Mexico墨西哥·墨西哥城
3.Bucharest, Romania罗马尼亚·布加勒斯特
4.Jakarta, Indonesia印度尼西亚·雅加达
5.Moscow, Russia俄罗斯·莫斯科
6.Chongqing, China中国·重庆
7.Istanbul, Turkey土耳其·伊斯坦布尔
8.St. Petersburg, Russia俄罗斯·圣彼得堡
9.Zhuhai, China中国·珠海
10.Santiago, Chile智利·圣地亚哥
11.Guangzhou, China中国·广州
12.Shijiazhuang, China中国·石家庄
13.Shenzhen, China中国·深圳
14.Los Angeles, U.S.美国·洛杉矶
15.Beijing, China中国·北京
TomTom's senior traffic expert Nick Cohn said that Thailand -- and many other big cities at the top of the congestion ranking -- have become victims of their own success. Growing economies and surging populations translate into more traffic and commuters.TomTom公司资深交通专家Nick Cohn认为泰国和其他榜上有名的地方都是因为取得了成功才会深受交通拥堵之苦。日益发展的经济和不断涌入的人口最终都化为通勤大军加剧了交通压力。
"It would be a challenge for any city government [to] keep things moving," he said, noting that as more people have moved to Bangkok's low-density suburbs, commuter traffic has worsened.他还说到:“保持交通顺畅对任何一个市政府来说都是个挑战。”值得注意的是,越来越多的人搬到了曼谷人口密度低的郊区,上下班交通状况进一步恶化。
While Mexico City has the second worst evening rush hour traffic in the world, TomTom considers the Mexican capital to be the world's worst city for full-day traffic congestion.根据TomTom数据分析,墨西哥城是全球晚高峰最堵的城市第二名,同时也是全天交通拥堵情况最严重的城市。
"It could be middle of the day or late at night, but it's just really, really congested," said Cohn.Cohn表示:“无论正午还是夜间,墨西哥城都可以很堵。”
"Mexico City has an extensive subway system but it doesn't extend out to where all the population growth is happening," he said. "People don't have a lot of options for getting to work."“墨西哥城地铁覆盖范围广,但仍赶不上人口增长的速度,而人们上下班又没有多种可供选择的交通方式。”
Moscow, which ranks as the fifth worst city for evening rush hour traffic, was higher up the rankings in past years. But congestion has eased a bit since city officials introduced new parking rules. Cohn said the city now charges for some parking, which "really changed people's behavior."莫斯科是榜上第五名,排名比前几年更靠前了。不过政府官员引入新的停车规范后拥堵状况有所缓解。Cohn说现在在莫斯科部分地区停车要收费了,大家的行为都有所改善。
Istanbul has also seen a modest easing of traffic congestion because authorities have made a point to provide more real-time traffic data to drivers. This helped people plan their drives and avoid severe traffic jams.伊斯坦布尔政府开始为驾驶员们提供实时交通信息,帮助他们规划行程避开拥堵,因此堵车现象也大有改善。
"It's still terrible but there is a slight decrease," he said.对此,Cohn评价道:“情况还是很糟糕,但是稍稍好了一点儿。”
The only American city in the top 15 is Los Angeles. Its traffic congestion has worsened, but it's been moving down the ranking over the past few years as other global cities experience more acute traffic problems.美国只有一个城市闯进了前15强——洛杉矶。这里的交通状况大不如前可是排名却还靠后了,因为其他城市面临着更加严峻的考验。
(翻译:君儿) |