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发表于 2017-3-15 21:06:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        1. Identify a Time Management Tool1.确定时间管理工具
        Great time management requires very little in the way of investment, but the payoff can be priceless! A few simple tools will keep students on track and on target all year long. A simple wall calendar and a few colored stickers will do the trick:合理安排时间花费的投资极少,但是收获却极大!几个简单的工具,就能令学生一年四季保持正轨、紧盯目标。没错!一张墙历、几种不同颜色的贴纸就能做到这些:
        Simply place the big wall calendar in a prominent place near your regular study space. Then come up with a color code for your classes (like green for math and yellow for history). When you have a big due date or a test date, place the appropriate colored sticker on that date for all to see.首先,把大日历挂在显眼的地方,最好靠近日常学习的位置。接着,使用不同颜色的贴纸区分每门课程(例如,绿色代表数学而黄色代表历史)。然后,在重要日子或考试临近时,将适当颜色的贴纸粘在对应的日期,供人浏览。
        The big wall calendar is just one tool that you can use in your time management tool kit. Find a few tools that are right for you and you'll see how easy it is to stay on top of your work.在墙壁上粘贴大日历只是时间管理工具箱中可操作的手段之一。找到几种适合自己的时间管理办法,你会发现,保持高昂的工作状态其实很容易。
        2. Preview the Expectations2.预览接下来的学习内容
        It's always a good idea to preview the material that you will cover over the coming months. Take a look at the topics you'll cover in math, science, social science, and language areas--but don't get nervous or overwhelmed by what you see. The idea is simply to establish a mental framework to follow.预览未来几个月将涉及的学习材料,在任何时候都是个好办法。看看你将在数学、科学、社会科学、语言领域涉及到的主题------但不要对所看到的内容感到紧张或退怯。毕竟,这一行为的本意在于建立一个可遵循的心理框架。
        3. Get Organized With Color3.使用色彩让自己井井有条
        If you're already a very organized person, you are one step ahead of many people! But many students (and parents) can use some help when it comes to staying organized. Color coding is one of the best tools for keeping homework, folders, and school supplies organized.如果你做起事来有条不紊,那么你已领先许多人!但是,就保持学习组织性问题而言,许多学生(及父母)可以借助一些帮助。颜色编码,就是保持家庭作业、档案夹、学习用品有序的最佳手段之一。
        You may want to start with a pack of colored highlighters, and then find folders, notes, and stickers to match them. Assign a color for every school subject. Use coordinated colors when highlighting notes, compiling research, and filing in folders.首先你需要一套彩色荧光笔。接着,找到文件夹、笔记,然后使用适当的贴纸与之匹配。为每门科目分配颜色。强调注释、编译研究以及归档文件时,使用恰当的颜色。
        You'll find that your homework is much easier to track when you stick to the color-coding method.最后,你会发现,坚持使用颜色编码法,家庭作业会更明了。
        4. Stop the Madness with Homework Checklists4.使用作业清单终结疯狂
        Are school mornings chaotic in your household? A checklist might cut down on the madness. The school morning checklist reminds students to finish all tasks, from brushing teeth to packing assignments into the backpack. You can use a checklist for every assignment to stay on track!有课的早上,在家总是一片忙乱?也许,一份清单就能令你避免抓狂。每天早上,上学清单会提醒学生完成诸如从刷牙到把作业装进书包的所有事项。因此,为保持有序的状态,你可以使用清单记录作业。
        5. Consider a Homework Contract5.考虑建立家庭作业协约
        There are lots of benefits to establishing a clear set of rules. A written contract between students and parents can clear up any potential confusion when it comes to expectations. A simple document can establish:建立一套清晰的规则,有很多好处。至于未来的期望方面,学生和家长制定的书面协议可以消除任何潜在的混乱。例如,可创建如下的文件:
        What time of night serves as the homework deadline?
        What students must do to keep parents informed of due dates?
        What tools and technology the student can expect and not expect parents to supply?
        What reward parents and students can expect for meeting expectations?
        Students can reap the benefits of weekly rewards, and parents can relax by avoiding the unexpected interruptions and arguments at night.如此一来,学生可享受每周一次的奖励,父母也摆脱了夜间遭受意外打扰和争执的可能,从而得以松一口气儿。

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