12 Easy Halloween Makeup Ideas You Can Master Before the Big Night.The best part? You can wear them with clothes you already own.下面是,万圣节之夜的12种cos妆容。最精彩的哪个?这些妆容可以搭配你已有的衣服
1. Lioness狮子妆
Get fierce with this super simple lioness tutorial by Desi Perkins. Master the look with a golden smoky eye, a bit of highlighter and shimmery bronzer, and a crisp cat nose and lip. These are the 9 types of people you see every Halloween.这个超级简单的狮子妆让你霸气满满。眼部周围上一层金色的烟熏妆,脸部涂上亮铜色粉底,鼻子和嘴巴化成猫科动物。这里有9种妆容你能在每年万圣节上看到。
2. Harley Quinn哈利•奎恩
Take a cue from Suicide Squad and head out as Harley Quinn, courtesy this colorful how-to by NikkieTutorials.灵感来源于《敢死队》,将自己装扮成哈利•奎恩吧。《尼基教程》告诉你如何装扮。
3. Half skull半个头骨
If you're a regular makeup pro, try this involved look by Roxxsaurus. All you'll need is a palette of black and white face paint and a precision makeup brush. Watch these beyond-scary Halloween movies to put you in the right mood.如果你定期参加化装舞会,试试这个独特的妆容。你所需要的仅仅黑颜料、白脸颜料和一整套化妆刷。观看这些恐怖的万圣节电影会让气氛一下子嗨起来。
4. Vampire吸血鬼
Vamp it up with this blacked-out smoky eye and red lip by Desi Perkins. Finish the look with a temporary vampire-bite tattoo and fake blood. Throw on a simple black outfit and you're ready to go. These scary vampire legends are actually true.漆黑烟熏妆和红唇活脱脱就是一只吸血鬼。最后用临时的吸血鬼牙印和假血点缀。穿上简单的黑色风衣准备出发吧。这些可怖的吸血鬼传奇就如真的一般。
5. Batman蝙蝠侠
Get superhero chic with this Batman look by Eyedolize Makeup. A yellow smoky eye and a bit of face paint is all that stands between you and this simple getup.这个蝙蝠侠妆容让超级英雄顿时时髦起来。黄色烟熏妆和一些脸部颜料即可让你变脸。
6. Mermaid美人鱼
Who knew you could create realistic mermaid fins using a fishnet stocking and a colorful eyeshadow palette? Melissa Alatorre does. This simple makeup is as creative as it is achievable.谁会知道用渔网袜和色彩斑斓的眼影便可做出真的美人鱼鱼鳞。这个简单的妆容可谓是创意而不复杂。
7. Poison Ivy毒藤
Grab a palette of green shadows and give this look by Carli Bybel a try. Finish the costume with a red wig and a green frock and you'll be the most well-dressed villainess at the party.用绿色眼影便可造就这幅妆容。红色假发和绿色连衣裙不可或缺。你将是派对上最时尚的坏女人。
8. 1920s flapper girl90世纪20年代的不羁女孩
Take this classic last-minute costume up a notch with historically accurate makeup. Michelle Phan has you covered on all things old-school smokey eye and wine stained lips.用史上精致的妆容来留给经典的最后一刻。你只需要复古烟熏妆和酒色红唇。
9. Barbie芭比妆
Got a blonde wig and a hot pink outfit? You might want to give this look by Kandee Johnson a try. Simply slap on a showstopping lipgloss and steal Johnson's genius trick for recreating Barbie's iconic eyelashes.想拥有金发碧眼?你也许想试一试。嘴唇涂上引人注目的唇蜜,从约翰逊那里偷得重现芭比标志性睫毛的点子。
10. Spiderman蜘蛛侠
This webbed look by Jantien Blom might look complicated, but we promise you won't need superpowers to master it. With a steady hand (and maybe a few Q-tips dipped in makeup remove to smooth out any mistakes) you'll be party-ready in no time. Check out this awesome life advice from your favorite superheroes.这幅蜘蛛网让你觉得繁复,但是我们保证你无需超能力就可以掌握。手不要发抖(也许你还需要沾上卸妆水的化妆棉以修正错误),你将很快可以参加派对。看看这些你喜爱的超级英雄提出的精彩的生活建议。
11. Rainbow fish彩虹鱼
Model your Halloween look after one of the most stunningly illustrated children's books of all time. This look, pioneered here by ShelingBeauty, is as unique as it is recognizable. While you're at it, check out these thought-provoking quotes from kid's books.你的万圣节妆容也许来自那些目眩眩晕的儿童插画读本。这幅妆容既独特又可辨认。当你化妆的时候,别忘了看看这些儿童书里的发人深省的话语。
12. Zombie僵尸
This classic Halloween zombie look by Pollyanne B requires little more than a tube of red lipstick and a black eye shadow palette. 只要一管红色口红和黑色烟熏眼影就可再现这幅经典的万圣节僵尸妆容。 |