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发表于 2017-3-13 21:45:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Humanity has always had an intimate relationship with food. So it should come as no surprise that some of the most notable, influential figures throughout history have often had bizarre notions of how and what to eat.人类始终和食物有着密切的关系,因此在历史上有很多名人在关于怎么吃和吃什么的问题上有着离奇的怪癖,这也不足为奇。



        Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is famous for taking on yearlong challenges of self-improvement, such as wearing a tie every day in 2009 and studying Chinese every day in 2010. It came as a bit of a shock, though, when he announced in 2011 that “the only meat I’m eating is from animals I’ve killed myself.” After announcing the decision on his private page, he posted, “I just killed a pig and a goat,” which prompted various reactions from his followers.脸谱网的创办人马克扎克伯格,他的每年一项新挑战非常出名。譬如2009年他坚持每天打领带,2010年坚持每天学中文,这都已经很让人震惊了,然而,当2011年他在自己的首页上宣布“我只吃我自己狩猎打来的肉”,随后又发布了“我刚杀了一头猪和一只羊”,这些信息在他的粉丝群里引起了各种各样的反应。
        According to an email that Zuckerberg sent to Fortune magazine, “I started thinking about this last year when I had a pig roast at my house. A bunch of people told me that even though they loved eating pork, they really didn’t want to think about the fact that the pig used to be alive. That just seemed irresponsible to me. I don’t have an issue with anything people choose to eat, but I do think they should take responsibility and be thankful for what they eat rather than trying to ignore where it came from.”根据扎克伯格发给财富杂志的一封邮件内容:“去年我就开始想当在我家里有一只烤猪时,一群人都曾经给我说过即使他们非常喜欢吃猪肉,但是他们仍然不愿意去想曾经这是一只活生生的猪。这种行为对我来说似乎是不负责任的,对于人们选择吃与不吃我没有任何意见,但我我认为他们应当承担责任并感谢他们所能吃的,而不是试图忽略它从哪里来。
        His instructor was Silicon Valley chef Jesse Cool, who introduced Zuckerberg to local farmers and advised him on the slaughters of his first chicken, pig, and goat. “He cut the throat of the goat with a knife, which is the most kind way to do it,” said Cool to Fortune. Zuckerberg’s first kill, however, was a lobster that he boiled alive. Initially, this was emotionally difficult for Zuckerberg, but he said he felt better after eating it. As he told Fortune in an interview, “The most interesting thing was how special it felt to eat it after having not eaten any seafood or meat in a while.”他的导师是硅谷厨师Jesse Cool,他介绍扎克伯格去当地农场并建议他第一次去屠杀一只鸡,一头猪和一只羊。Jesse Cool说道“他用刀切了羊的喉咙,这是最普通的做法”。然而,对于扎克伯格而言,他的第一次屠宰是一只龙虾,方法是用水去煮活的龙虾。起初,这中做法对扎克伯格来说很难,但是他说当他吃过以后就感觉好很多了。正如他在接受财富杂志采访时所说的那样,“最有趣的事情是在吃过海鲜或肉类之后,吃它的特殊感觉。”
        BEETHOVEN’S SOUP贝多芬的鸡蛋汤



        Ludwig van Beethoven is known for many things, but few know just how seriously he took his soup. According to the famous composer, only a housekeeper or cook with a pure heart could prepare a pure soup.贝多芬的很多事情被大家熟知,但是很少有人知道他是如何对待自己喝的汤的。根据著名作曲家的说法,只有一个女管家或者真正用心做饭的人才可以做出一道真正的汤。
        One of Beethoven’s favorite dishes was a mushy bread soup, which he consumed every Thursday with 10 large eggs to be stirred into the soup. He inspected the eggs by holding them to the light and then cracking them open with his hand. Woe to the housekeeper if they weren’t all entirely fresh. Beethoven would call her in for a scolding. She only half-listened because she had to be ready to flee, as it was Beethoven’s custom to pelt her with the eggs as a punishment.贝多芬每周四都会吃他最喜欢吃的糊状面包汤,他用10个大鸡蛋搅拌进汤中,他检查鸡蛋的新鲜度通过灯光并用手打开鸡蛋壳,如果鸡蛋不是新鲜的那贝多芬一定会大骂他的女管家Woe,Woe也已经习惯了每次因为鸡蛋的问题而被责罚。
        GERALD FORD’S STRANGE LUNCH杰拉尔德•福特的奇怪午餐



        It is a commonly cited piece of trivia that President Richard Nixon ate a daily lunch of cottage cheese covered in ketchup. After he was elected president, an article in the Washingtonian quipped that elegant White House dinners had been replaced by cottage cheese and ketchup. He even had cottage cheese with pineapple slices for lunch on the day that he announced his resignation from the presidency.经常被引用的小插曲是美国尼克松总统的午餐,他每天把奶酪覆盖在番茄酱上当午餐吃,当他被选为总统时,美国民间盛传着一段话是白宫的晚餐已经被奶酪和番茄酱所代替了。在他宣布辞去总统职位的那天,他甚至还用菠萝片配着奶酪吃了一顿午饭。
        Less commonly known is that President Gerald Ford was also an aficionado of the bizarre but strangely appealing lunch menu item. An Air Force One staffer revealed in the book Inside the White House: President Ford had A-1 sauce and ketchup, mostly A-1 sauce, with the cottage cheese. We always had a vegetable garnish with spring onions, celery sticks, radishes. We always served ketchup and A-1 sauce with it. In most cases, he used A-1 sauced mixed in…更为罕见的是杰拉尔德·福特总统的午餐菜单也很奇怪,一个空军飞行参谋在“白宫内部”这本书里说到“福特总统的午餐一般是A-1酱和番茄酱配有奶酪,洋葱,芹菜,小萝卜。

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