Theresa May's passion for fashion will bring a touch of glamour to politics.特雷莎·梅对时尚的热爱为政界带来了一抹光亮的色彩。
At the 2002 Tory conference, Theresa May caught the nation's attention with a speech reprimanding her colleagues for their reputation as 'the nasty party' - and her leopard-print kitten heels. It would be trite to say that her choice of footwear carried as much significance as her rallying cry to her fellow politicos to be more accepting. But it was an early sign that this was a woman approaching political office on her own terms - and unafraid to court controversy.2002年的保守党会议上,梅姨指责同僚是“邋遢的政党”,吸引了全国人民的眼球——吸引大众眼球的还有她那双豹纹中跟鞋。不消说,她选择这样一双鞋子,其意义不亚于她向同僚们呼喊的政治观点,都是为了更易为人所接受。但是,这种穿着风格也早早释放出了一种信号,那就是这个女人在步入政坛的同时有自己坚持的原则,而且毫不畏惧会引来争议。
When she made her bid for leadership, in a speech that, in these post-Brexit times feels like years not weeks ago, she turned to an old wardrobe favourite: a Vivienne Westwood black watch tartan trouser suit.在一场竞选首相的演讲中——“后英国脱欧”时期的那场演讲好像发生在几年前而非几周前——她穿上了衣柜里最喜欢的一套旧衣服:维维安·韦斯特伍德的深色方格呢绒衣裤套装。
When it was announced last week that May had been selected as one of the final two candidates in the Conservative leadership contest, she paired her elegant (much more flattering on camera than black) aubergine dress with a very playful pair of lip-printed pointed pumps.上周宣布梅姨为保守党最后两位候选人之一时,她为自己那身优雅的茄紫色连衣裙(在镜头前,这色调比黑色讨巧多了)搭配了一双非常俏皮的唇印尖头浅口鞋。
And today she entered 10 Downing Street for her final cabinet meeting as Home Secretary in a trouser suit which was made a thousand times more interesting with its folded, draped lapels, another pair of flat leopard print shoes and her professional, but fashionable, L.K Bennett £225 Kora bag.今天(注:7月12日),她走进唐宁街10号,最后一次以内政大臣的名义参加内阁会议,穿了一套衣裤套装,褶皱大翻领妙趣横生,还配上了另一双方口豹纹鞋,拎了一只价值225英镑,职业感、时尚感都爆棚的L.K Bennett科拉包。
It's good news that May wears good clothes but even better news that her passion for a quirky kitten heel or a handbag which looks sleek yet is roomy enough for ministerial papers is deep-seated and genuine. When she appeared on Desert Island Discs in 2014, May chose a Vogue subscription as her luxury item, telling listeners that she doesn't work with a stylist but has a shop which knows her well and will often call when something comes in they think she'll like. When Kirsty Young commented that her look was "pulled together" and "fashion-forward", May replied "I enjoy clothes".梅姨衣品高,的确是个好消息;然而更好的消息是她还热衷于穿不同寻常的中跟鞋,喜欢拎颜值高却又有足够空间容纳高级公文的包包——这份热爱根深蒂固,绝对是真情流露。2014年,她作客“荒岛唱片”节目,说订阅Vogue杂志就是她的一件奢侈品;并告诉听众们她没有时尚设计师,但有一家店铺非常了解她的喜好,店员常常在觉得她可能会喜欢某件新品时给她打电话。柯斯蒂•扬说她看起来“很有气质”、“很时尚”,梅姨回答说“我喜欢漂亮衣服”。
What's even more refreshing is May not only knows the power of fashion – she's not afraid to acknowledge it. She also says that her love of shoes has helped other women find politics more accessible.更令人振奋的是梅姨不但知道时尚的力量,而且从不怯于承认这一点。她还说,她对鞋子的热爱让女性们更爱从政了。