After dating for six years, Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy finally get married! After obtaining their marriage license in Xiaoming’s hometown in Qingdao, they hold their wedding banquet in Shanghai on October 8th.约会六年后,黄晓明和杨颖终成眷属。俩人在晓明家乡青岛市领证后,并于10月8日举办结婚典礼。
The couple met in 2009 when a mutual friend introduced them at a karaoke bar. Angelababy often flew to Mainland China and visited Xiaoming on the filming set. In the early days of their romance, Xiaoming had reconciled with his ex-girlfriend Li Feier (李菲儿) before settling down with Angelababy.2009年,二人经共同好友介绍在卡拉OK吧中相识。从此之后杨颖经常飞往内地片场探班。在二人甜蜜之初,黄晓明与前女友协议分手,并最终和杨颖确定关系。
Although both Xiaoming and Angelababy are busy with their respective work, they took time off earlier to take their outdoor wedding photos in Paris. Since Xiaoming and Angelababy have a wide network of friends, they have invited over 3000 guests–including friends and families from Hong Kong, Mainland, and Taiwan–to their wedding celebration. Only one banquet at the Shanghai Exhibition Center is being held.虽然两人都在忙着各自的事情,但还是抽出时间飞往巴黎拍摄了户外婚纱照。二人都有庞大的朋友圈,所以在上海展览中心的婚礼,他们邀请了来自大陆,港台的3000亲朋好友。
Children Before 40 Years Old40岁之前生子
While Angelababy is only be 26 years old, 37-year-old Xiaoming is anxious to have a baby very soon. Expressing his love for children on numerous occasions, Xiaoming previously revealed that he wished to have his first child before he turns 40 years old.黄晓明非常想要一个孩子,他已经37岁了,可是杨颖却只有26岁,在很多场合黄晓明都表达了这个想法,黄晓明之前还许愿,希望自己可以在40岁之前得子。