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英国女王或涨薪6.5% 皇室成员收入大起底!









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发表于 2017-3-13 21:44:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        The Queen is in line for a 6.5% payrise and could net a cool £45.6 million from the taxpayer next year if the way she is funded stays the same.英国女王即将迎来6.5%的涨薪,如果拨款方式不变,明年她将从纳税人手中得到高达4560万英镑的净收入。
        Figures released show a total profit of £304.1 million for the Crown Estate. If the Queen receives her Sovereign Grant calculated at the customary 15% of that she would be handed £45.6 million from the Treasury in April 2017, an increase of £2.8 million up from £42.8 million this year. 皇家资产管理公司披露的数据显示,其总利润为3亿410万英镑。如果女王依惯例从中获取15%的君主拨款,2017年4月,她就可以从国库中拿到4560万英镑,会比今年的4280万英镑增加280万英镑。
        Prince Charles also revealed that his income from the Duchy of Cornwall estate rose to more than £20 million for the first time to £20.467 million up from £19.845 million the previous year. Expenditure on the area of his accounts that funds Prince William, Kate and Harry was also up 9.5% from £2.965 million to £3.249 million, although officials would not say how much of the increase was down to the three young royals or itemise how that money was spent.查尔斯王子也透露道,他从康沃尔公爵领地获得的收入从前一年的1984.5万英镑上升到了2046.7万英镑,首次超过2000万英镑。查尔斯账户上用在威廉王子、凯特和哈里身上的资金从296.5万英镑上涨9.5%增加到了324.9万英镑。但是官方不会公开这三位年轻的王室成员分别增加了多少支出,也不会详细列明这些钱花在了哪里。
        The bill for royal travel was down to £4 million from £5.1 million the previous year, but there were still some eye-watering travel costs billed to the taxpayer including a £94,409 charter plane for Prince Charles and Camilla's tour of the Balkans in March. Charles and Harry also spent £74,500 on a charter flight to commemorate the centenary of the Gallipoli campaign last April. Charter flights for The Queen and Philip to travel to Malta in November 2015 for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting cost £55,358 with an additional £8,696 on scheduled flights for their staff, and Prince Harry's flights to Nepal in March cost the taxpayer £33,278.王室出行开支从前一年的510万英镑下降到了400万英镑,但对于纳税人来说,这其中仍有一些令人咋舌的巨额旅行支出,其中包括查尔斯王子和卡米拉3月份前往巴尔干半岛时花费的9万4409英镑包机费。去年4月,查尔斯和哈里也花费了7万4500英镑包机参加加里波利战役百年纪念活动。2015年11月,女王和菲利普包机前往马耳他参加联邦政府首脑会议,花费5万5358英镑;此外,随行人员乘坐的定期航班花费8696英镑。3月份,哈里王子飞往尼泊尔还花了纳税人3万3278英镑。
        Some 221 helicopter journeys were taken at a total cost of £569,483.王室成员大约有221次乘坐直升机出行,其总开支为56万9483英镑。
        The Royal Train also racked up some hefty bills including £20,034 for The Queen and Philip to travel from London to Aberdeen last August and £33,249 for Prince Charles to travel to travel from Ayr to Yorkshire to Aberdeen in September.皇家火车也有一些高额支出,包括去年8月女王和菲利普从伦敦到阿伯丁花费的2万34英镑和9月份查尔斯王子从埃尔经约克郡到阿伯丁花费的3万3249英镑。
        The largest expense was £16.3 million spent on repairing crumbling palaces.最大的一笔开支是用于整修颓败宫殿所花费的1630万英镑。

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