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发表于 2017-3-13 21:43:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Benedict Cumberbatch is now off the market after becoming engaged to theatre director Sophie Hunter.本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇已经名花有主啦,他与戏剧导演苏菲·亨特已经订婚了。
        A spokesperson for the star confirmed the news to MailOnline - although it is not yet known when the pair will walk down the aisle.一位发言人为这位明星向《每日邮报》确认了这一消息——不过尚不确定两人会何时举行婚礼。
        The Mail On Sunday recently reported that the 38-year-old flew to Edinburgh to ask her mother's permission for her daughter's hand in marriage. 据《周日邮报》报道,这位38岁的明星特地前往爱丁堡拜见了岳母大人,并征得了岳母让两人成婚的许诺。
        Sophie, 36, is said to be close to her mother Katharine after her parents divorced when she was a child.现年36岁的索菲据称与她的母亲凯瑟琳关系非常亲密,她的父母在她幼年的时候离婚了。
        The engagement was revealed in a newspaper announcement, with the actor's parents taking out a £324 advertisement in the marriages section of The Times. 男方的双亲在一则报刊启事中宣布了这桩亲事,他们花了324英镑在《泰晤士报》的婚讯版块上买下了一个广告版块。
        The piece reads: 'Mr BT. Cumberbatch and Miss S.I. Hunter: The engagement is announced between Benedict, son of Wanda and Timothy Cumberbatch of London, and Sophie, daughter of Katharine Hunter of Edinburgh and Charles Hunter of London.'这则启示写道:“男方——本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇,女方——苏菲·亨特:伦敦旺达·康伯巴奇与蒂莫西·康伯巴奇之子本尼迪克特,与爱丁堡凯瑟琳·亨特与伦敦查尔斯·亨特之女苏菲宣布订婚。”
        Benedict and Oxford-educated Sophie have gone to great lengths to avoid being seen together in public since they first met in 2009. 本尼迪克特和牛津大学毕业的苏菲自2009年初次相识后,一直费尽周折,竭力避免两人共同在公众面前露面。



        They were first seen publicly together this June at the French Open but they first met when starring opposite each other in Burlesque Fairytales in 2009.今年6月份的法国网球公开赛期间,两人第一次在公开场合共同出现,不过他们的初识却是在2009年两人在电影《滑稽戏童话》中演对手戏的时候。
        The pair were last seen together at London restaurant Quaglino's, but they arrived separately and were keen not to be pictured together. 人们最近看到他们在一起是在伦敦的高档餐厅里,不过他们是先后到场的,而且竭力避开被拍到在一起的照片。
        Sophie was also Benedict's date at the wedding of the actor’s old school pal, James Rhodes, but it is believed she has wanted to remain anonymous since the beginning of their relationship. 在本尼迪克特的老校友,詹姆士·罗达的婚礼上,索菲也曾以本尼迪克特女友的身份出席,不过人们相信,在二人刚开始恋爱的时候,她一度希望保持低调。
        Benedict once revealed he's a fan of women who don't take themselves too seriously. 'A woman who knows that she doesn’t have to get all decked out to look good is sexy.本尼迪克特曾爆料说,自己喜欢那种不会太刻意关注自己的女人。'“一个知道自己没必要盛装打扮,也有一种自然之态的女人才称得上性感。”
        'A woman who can make you feel smart with her conversation skills is also sexy. I believe the sense of humour is important. I also think someone who is good at working with others is sexy. '“一个懂得言谈技巧,会让对方沾沾自喜的女人也称得上性感。我认为幽默感是很重要的。我认为那些能与别人融洽相处的女人很性感。”
        'It’s like playing a tennis doubles match. You need to be able to work well together if you are to stay as partners for a long time.'“婚姻就像一场双人网球赛。只有配合默契,才能长期相伴。”

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