1. "It's a big city and you have the opportunity to meet new people constantly!"“城市这么大,你马上就能认识新的人!”
Hahaha...no. Current mood 24/7:哈哈哈……不是这样的!此刻的心情,以及每时每刻的心情如下:
2. Dating outside of your borough is basically a long-distance relationship, so bring a book on your *one hour* train ride.和另一个区的人恋爱基本上就算异地恋了,所以长达*1小时*的火车上带本书吧。
Also, prepare to never see your friends again until their next birthday.另外,做好心理准备,可能在朋友们下次过生日前,你都不会再见到他们了。
3. Those people who can't commit because the 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. work/life struggle is too real.有好多人无法许下承诺,因为从早上九点到晚上九点都需要为工作或生活奋斗的状况实在是太现实了。
But don't take it personally. It may be you at some point, too.但是不要以为这是针对你个人的,当然也可能在某种程度上就是针对你的。
4. Realizing that your date has five roommates and that sleepovers are your special burden from now on.要意识到你的约会对象还有5个室友,从今往后,过夜都会变成你的特别负担。
Hope your room is clean!希望你的房间干净整洁吧!
5. Expectations: Meeting the love of your life on the subway and attempting awkward small talk.期待:在地铁上遇到你的人生挚爱,打算开始尴尬地聊个天。
"Is this train going uptown or downtown?"“这趟车是进城方向还是出城方向的?”
6. Reality: Meeting the love of your life, playing stare tag, and then not doing a damn thing about it until one of you leaves.现实:遇到了你的人生挚爱,互相盯着衣服标签看,然后什么也没做,后来,你们其中一人下车了。
You briefly consider writing a Craigslist Missed Connection before you remember just how big the city is.你很快想到可以在分类广告栏登个寻人启事,但想到城市有多大,也就放弃了。
7. After a breakup, misery sets in, until you realize you never have to see that person ever, ever again.分手之后,悲伤来了,但你意识到你可以永远永远都不再见这个人了,悲伤也就没了。
Remember: this is the biggest perk of living in a big city. This is what you came here for.切记:这是生活在大城市最大的好处,你就是为这个来的。
8. ...Until you run into them at your favorite place in the city which you introduced them to.……(接上一条)直到有一天你在城市里最喜欢的地方再次撞见他们,而那个地方正是你推荐给他们的。