Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch been surrounded by an 'army of people' who toiled to create this amazing likeness of his head for Madame Tussauds.杜莎夫人蜡像馆派出一个小分队专门为因《神探夏洛克》爆红的本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇雕制头部塑像。
The sculpture will be used to create the mold for his wax figure, which will launch at the London tourist attraction later this year.这个塑像会用来做他蜡像的模子,而他的全新蜡像将会在下半年出现在杜莎夫人蜡像馆内的一级巨星的陈列馆内。
Hundreds of measurements and pictures were taken to ensure total accuracy.为了保证蜡像的整体精确度,本尼迪克特经受了数以百计的精确测量,被拍摄了上千张图片。
Benedict said: 'Finally I can photobomb myself! I've been accused of being wooden in my work but never waxy!'本尼迪克特对此评论道:“我终于可以自己抢自己的镜头了!有人指责我在演戏的时候是木头脸,但还没人说过我长得像蜡像呢。”
The figure will be 'premiere ready', showing the actor looking impeccably groomed in a stylish dark suit, with a warm and relaxed expression and his famous tousled hairstyle.蜡像版卷福将会以预演的方式出现。届时“卷福”将穿着一件深暗的衣服,头发将会是蜷曲的蓬松的,脸上带着轻松的表情。
'The main privilege for me was the process and seeing the amount of exacting work and skill brought to every detail of this art form,' he continued. 本尼迪克特补充道:“看着一大堆人围着你观察测量,由他们记录的每一个细节组装在一起最后完成整个艺术品,这是一种荣幸。”
'It is a wonderful combination of old and new, hi-tech and lo-fi skills.’“这真是新技术和传统技术的完美结合。”
'As a subject, you stand still surrounded by sculptors, painters, photographers, measurers and a whole army of people who bring together your likeness... it's an extraordinary experience. “作为一个被测量的物件,你必须站在那一动不动,被雕塑家,画家,摄像师,测量员还有一大群人团团围住,这些人一起合力构成你的样子,这真是一次十分特别的体验。”
'My agents will be thrilled, they've wanted a clone of me for some time!' 最后本尼迪克特还打趣道:“我的经纪人应该会很开心,他们早就想要一个克隆的我了。” |