Nude photos of "Hunger Games" star Jennifer Lawrence, among other Hollywood's A-listactresses, were leaked online in one of the biggest celebrity hacking scandals in recent memory, foreign media reported. A list of the alleged victims has appeared online and there are 101 names in total. The chief hacker who organized the theft of private nude pictures of actresses has gone on the run. The FBI is investigating amid an international hunt for the hacker.电影《饥饿游戏》女主演詹妮弗·劳伦斯等诸多好莱坞一线女星裸照外泄,可能酿成近年来最大规模的"明星被黑丑闻"之一。网上还出现一份受害人名单,总数达101人。主导这次女星艳照门的黑客目前已逃逸,美国联邦调查局已介入调查并对该黑客发起全球通缉。
The Hollywood’s celebrity nude hacking scandal has wide public attention over the world, which also made people begin to attach great importance to the personal information security on social network site. The following tips may help you to protect against this type of attack. 好莱坞艳照门丑闻事件引起了人们的广泛关注,同时也使得广大网络用户开始警惕社交网络中个人信息安全防范。为有效保护社交网络信息安全,以下的小贴士或许可以帮上忙。
1. we advise all users to always use a strong password.1.设置高强度密码。
2. Check applications, plug-ins, and other settings.2.检查应用程序、插件和其他设置。
3. Improve the safety of the mobile devices' setting.3.提高对移动设备的安全设置。
4. Update your privacy settings regularly.4.定期更新各大网站隐私设置。
5. Be warned against using those websites with "password authentication".5.小心那些“密码验证”网站。
6. The work accounts are best kept separate from personal social accounts.6.区分工作和个人社交账号。
7. Have the hardware and account access restrictions.7.限制硬件和账户访问。
8. Know social media security policies clearly.8.明确社交媒体安全策略。 |