Do you remember the video of the young Englishman, Greg Fountain, taking a train through time in China?还记得英国小哥方丹在中国的火车穿越视频吗?
After the video went viral, being viewed by millions, he was inspired to continue his Chinese adventures - from the past, through the present, to the future.自从他的视频被千万网友围观分享后,方丹决定继续深入他在中国的时空旅程。
He knows Chinese people, like Britons, favor tea over any other drink.他知道像英国人一样,中国人对茶的喜爱超过任何一种饮料。
And he was curious about where and how Chinese people drink their tea.他好奇中国人在哪里喝茶?
He read many stories about Chinese tea to make the video.努力的小哥为了拍视频看了很多中国茶的故事。
He studied the legendary origins of tea and tea culture从茶的起源故事到中国茶文化。
And the changes there have been in recent decades再到近几十年的变化
From a scene reminiscent of Downton Abbey in the 1900s to a Beijing tea stall in the 1980s, Fountain travelled through time once again to glimpse how tea drinking has changed in China.从20世纪初的唐顿庄园场景,到80年代的北京茶摊,方丹的再次穿越之旅,聊聊中国人喝茶的变迁。
He said he still struggles to distinguish the many different kinds of Chinese tea, but has learned much more about its history.方丹说他还是很难区分品种万千的中国茶,但他已经看到了他想要的。
Chinese people still love the old ways of drinking tea and think of it as part of their heritage, despite the rise of coffee shops which now thrive in China.尽管咖啡店越来越流行,但中国人仍然热爱着传统的茶文化,并且视为珍贵的传承。
Fountain said that due to rationing brought on by the First World War, many people in the UK were prevented from enjoying their afternoon tea.一百多年前,由于第一次世界大战的影响,食品定量配给让下午茶的习惯在英国逐渐消失。
It is only in a peaceful and stable society that tradition can survive and develop.只有和平和稳定的社会,才能让传统生存并且继续发展。
So, what will be the next video for Fountain?那么方丹下一个视频会讲述什么呢?
He is looking forward to learning more about you and your stories.他也在期待认识你们和你们的故事。
PS:方丹爱上了朋友圈,所以视频最后的彩蛋同样精彩哦! |