Some teens from San Francisco caused quite a spectacle (sorry) when they placed a pair of glasses on the floor of an art museum recently. Unsure what to make of it, bemused visitors did the only thing they could think of – they thought it was a piece of art and starting taking photographs of them.这事儿最近发生在旧金山,一群十几岁的孩子在一个艺术博物馆参观的时候,他们把一副眼睛放在了地上,结果接下来“壮观”的事情发生了。不明真相的参观者因为不知道这到底是啥,于是只能认为这是一件艺术作品了……接下来,他们就开始对着这幅眼镜拍拍拍。
The pranksters – Twitter users @TJCruda and @k_vinnn – decided to pull the stunt after being left unimpressed by the art on offer at San Francisco’s Museum of Modern Art. And within minutes of placing the glasses on the floor, a crowd of onlookers had gathered to ponder the metaphysical meaning of this piece of modern “art”. One of the teens, 17-year-old T.J. Khayatan, documented the public’s response and later uploaded pictures of the hilarious experiment to Twitter. Needless to say, they soon went viral and have since been shared over 40,000 times.当天的经过是这样的,在旧金山现代艺术博物馆,推特上的两个网友@TJCruda和@k_vinnn在参观完展出后,因为觉得没什么特别有意思的作品,于是决定来一次恶搞。把眼镜放在地上几分钟后,参观者成群结队地在这件“现代艺术作品”旁边思考其隐喻含义。17岁的T.J. Khayatan把参观者的反应记录了下来,之后这些照片放在了推特上。你能想到的,照片很快就被疯转了4万次。