预告片抢先看 超惊艳哦!!
Did you know that “Loving Vincent” will be the world’s first feature length painted animation, with every shot painted with oil paints on canvas, just as Van Gogh himself painted? Directed by the classically trained Dorota Kobiela and based out of Poland, over 100 painters were needed to create the film’s 12 oil paintings per-second animation. According to IMDB, the film should be released sometime this year.你可知《致敬梵高》将会成为世界首部动画长片?每一个镜头都是油画作于帆布上,如同梵高自己作画一般。这部影片由科班出生的多克塔·科比拉导演、故事设置在波兰,由超过百名画师来创制电影每秒12幅油画的动画。据互联网电影资料库称,这部电影会在今年发布。
“Loving Vincent is an investigation delving into the life and controversial death of Vincent Van Gogh, one of the world’s most beloved painters, as told through his paintings and by the characters that inhabit them,” reads the film synopsis. “The intrigue unfolds through interviews with the characters closest to Vincent and through dramatic reconstructions of the events leading up to his death.”“梵高是世界最受人喜爱的画家之一,《致敬梵高》这部电影中,梵高的画作及其时常表现的人物角色逐步展现了梵高的生活及其备受争议的死亡,”电影概要里这么写道。“影片采访了和梵高关系最为密切的人物、重塑了步步引发其死亡的戏剧性事件,谜团也随之逐步展开。“