Summer may have officially ended by Sarah Jessica Parker's daughters know how to keep everything bright.夏天可能已经结束了,但是莎拉•杰西卡•帕克的女儿们知道怎么保持夏天的鲜亮。
The adorable four-year-olds were the epitome of summer fun on Wednesday as the skipped along next to their mother in New York.这两个可爱的四岁小姑娘周三和妈妈一起在纽约街头跑着玩儿的场景也是夏末的一道靓丽风景线。
The twins wore bright dresses and even brighter smiles as they headed out for their daily walk with the Sex And The City star and their nanny.这对儿双胞胎穿着明亮的衣服脸上挂着更明亮的笑容和他们主演《欲望都市》的妈妈以及保姆一起出去。
Mum Jessica did not follow the twins' summer frock lead as she obviously spent all her time dressing her daughters.虽然杰西卡妈妈没有像双胞胎一样穿着裙子,但是很显然她在女儿的衣服上花了不少心思。
Showing they have picked up their 48-year-old mother's famous fashion flair, Tabitha and Marion donned different, but equally eye catching dresses.塔比瑟和玛丽安的裙子虽然不同款,但都同样吸引眼球,这显示了她们48岁妈妈卓越的时尚品味。 |