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发表于 2017-3-10 21:58:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        The New Year is a great excuse to define and refine your productivity. As I say in The Productive Bite-Sized Entrepreneur, "Productivity is a cycle, not a sprint." In other words, you can choose any milestone - your birthday, your new business quarter, your new client - to reset your priorities and get focused.新年假期是一个确认和改善工作能力的好机会。正如我在《高产的小微企业家》一书中所说,生产力的实现需要一个循环的周期,不能一蹴而就。换句话说,你可以按照轻重缓急安排任务并投入到其中。里程碑可以是你的生日、新的生意季或新客户。
        Here are four sure-fire ways to get killer productivity这里有四个不错的方法可以助你提高工作效率。
        1. Delete email from phone1. 删除手机邮件
        Crazy, right? I personally know successful entrepreneurs, and have heard of many more, who have deleted their email app off of their smartphones. The result is that they aren't incessantly checking their email when they should be working, thinking or listening. They also, consciously or not, offload unnecessary work, as they know they won't be immediately available once they leave the office.有点疯狂,是不是?我个人了解很多成功的企业家,也听过更多的企业家删掉了手机上的邮件应用。结果是:在应当工作、思考或者倾听时,他们可以不必检查邮件。因为知道在离开办公室的时间里,他们不能立即行动;所以不论意识到没有,他们都可以卸掉非必要的工作。
        Keep in mind that you can usually check email through your web browser, so you won't be completely off grid. However, the extra steps necessary to check your email will slow you down, if not completely stop you from mindlessly being distracted.记住,因为通常可通过网页浏览器检查邮件,所以你也不是完全离线。然而,如果不能完全阻止被盲目地打扰,检查邮件的额外步骤会使你工作慢下来。
        2. Kill notifications2. 关闭通知提醒
        Again, we've become custom to push notifications - but before smartphones, we had to pull info to us by opening up an application. The problem is that notifications are becoming more aggressive, and that buzzing in your pocket often doesn't differentiate between an urgent work correspondence and a coupon for a local business.在智能手机之前,我们不得不打开应用来获得信息。但智能手机时代,我们已经又一次变得习惯发送通知了。问题是,通知变得越来越有侵略性。口袋里的震动不能区分到底是紧急工作应对通知,还是当地的商业优惠券通知。
        Turn off all your notifications and your phone will only buzz for phone calls and, if you like, texts.关闭所有通知,并将你的手机电话调为震动。如果喜欢的话,你可以发短信。
        3. Schedule social media times3. 安排社交媒体时间
        Scheduled social times isn't just for introverts! In fact, planning concrete times to be online can stop time wasted on social media. Dedicating only, say, 30 minutes to your favorite platform every day will also make you more productive on the network.合理安排社交媒体时间并不仅仅针对内向者!事实上,设定固定时间在线能够避免将过多时间浪费在社交媒体上。
        For more strategy, check out my previous Inc. column on mastering social media.想获得更多的策略,你可以察看我以前在Inc网站上关于管理社交媒体的专栏。
        4. Prioritize only three things4. 只优先安排三件事
        You have a list of twenty things to do today? Cut it in half. Then do it again. It may take a few minutes, but you'll realize how many of today's tasks are superfluous or can be delegated.你今天是不是计划要做20件事?那就减半,然后再做。这可能需要花几分钟,但你会意识到多少工作是多余的或者可以委托给他人。
        On my roughest days, I have only one task. And it is amazing how quickly that one task gets done - priming me for the next task on the list.在最艰苦的日子里,我只有一项任务。一项任务的完成速度快的让人惊讶,这使我能很快着手进行清单上下一项任务。

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