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Employers expect employees to be team players. Teamwork is required for almost every industry, ranging from business services to information technology to food services.雇主希望员工成为团队合作者。从商业服务到信息技术到食品服务,几乎每一个行业都需要团队工作。Regardless of your job, you need to be able to work well with others. Here's a list of teamwork skills that employers are looking for in resumes, cover letters, job applications and interviews.无论工作是什么,你都需要能很好地与他人一起工作。这里有一份团队技能清单,是雇主在简历、介绍信、求职应聘和面试中都会寻找的。Included is a detailed list of the five most important teamwork skills, as well as a longer list of skills.包括五个最重要的团队技能详细清单,以及其他一长串技能清单。
        How to Use Skills Lists如何利用技能清单
        You can use these skills lists throughout your job search process. Firstly, you can use these skill words in your resume. In the description of your work history, you might want to use some of these key words.你可以在找工作的过程中使用这些技能。首先,你可以在简历中使用这些技能名词。在描述工作经历时,也可以使用一些关键词。Secondly, you can use these in your cover letter. In the body of your letter, you can mention one or two of these skills, and give a specific example of a time when you demonstrated those skills at work.其次,你可以在介绍信中使用这些词组。在介绍信里,你可以使用这些技能,并给一个或两个你在工作中使用这些技能的例子。Finally, you can use these skill words in your interview. Make sure you have at least one example for a time you demonstrated each of the top 5 skills listed here.最后,你可以在面试中使用这些词组。并确保这里罗列的5个最重要的技能,都能举个例子出来。Of course, each job will require different skills and experiences, so make sure you read the job description carefully, and focus on the skills listed by the employer.当然,每一个工作需要的技能和经验不一样,确保你仔细地阅读了职位描述,并关注招聘者罗列的技能。Also review our other lists of skills listed by job and type of skill.也浏览下其他以工作和类型罗列的技能清单。
        Top 5 Teamwork Skills5个最重要的团队技能
        Being a good team member means being able to clearly communicate your ideas with the group. You must be able to convey information via phone, email, and in person. You want to make sure your tone is always professional but friendly. Both verbal and nonverbal communication are important when working with a group in person.作为优秀团队中的一员,意味着能够与团队中其他成员清楚地沟通想法。通过电话、邮箱或者面谈的方式,你都能够传递信息。确保音调专业而友好。当在一个团队工作,无论是口头或者书面的沟通都是非常重要的。
        Conflict Management冲突管理
        An important teamwork skill is being able to mediate problems between team members. You need to be able to negotiate with your team members to settle disputes, and make sure everyone is happy with the team’s choices.一个重要的团队工作技能是解决团队成员之间的问题。你需要与团队成员之间谈判解决纠纷,并确保每位成员都能接受团队的最终决定。
        Another important part of communication is listening well. You need to listen to the ideas and concerns of your peers in order to be an effective team member. By asking questions for clarification, demonstrating concern, and using nonverbal cues, you can show your team members that you care and understand them.另一个重要的沟通部分是倾听。为了成为一个高效团队的一员,你需要倾听同伴的想法和关注点。通过问问题,可以澄清、展示关注。你也可以利用非语言的暗示,向团队成员表示你对他们的关注和理解。
        You want to be a reliable team member so that your coworkers can trust you. Make sure you stick to deadlines, and complete any tasks you are assigned. This will help you gain your colleagues’ trust.你想成为一个值得信赖的团队成员,以便你的同事能信任你。确保在最后期限内完成你所分配的工作任务。这将帮助你获得同伴的信任。
        People will be more open to communicating with you if you convey respect for them and their ideas. Simple actions like using a person's name, making eye contact, and actively listening when a person speaks will make the person feel appreciated.如果你能表示对他们本人及其想法的尊重,对方就乐于为你敞开心扉。当同事在讲话时,简单的动作譬如使用他们的名字、眼神沟通,并积极地倾听会使一个人感觉到他被欣赏。
        Teamwork Skills团队技能
        A - G


  •                 Acknowledging Others认可/赞赏他人

  •                 Active Listening积极倾听

  •                 Advising建议

  •                 Collaboration合作

  •                 Commitment承诺

  •                 Communication沟通

  •                 Community Building社区建设

  •                 Confidence自信

  •                 Confidence Building自信建立

  •                 Conflict Management冲突管理

  •                 Contributing贡献

  •                 Cooperation合作

  •                 Coordination协调性/协调能力强

  •                 Creativity创造力

  •                 Creative Thinking创造性想法

  •                 Critical Thinking关键想法

  •                 Defining Problems明确问题

  •                 Dependable可依赖的

  •                 Dependability依赖

  •                 Encourage鼓励

  •                 Encouragement鼓舞

  •                 Expanding Ideas发散想法

  •                 Flexibility灵活性

  •                 Give Feedback给予反馈

  •                 Goal Setting设立目标

  •                 Guide指南

  •                 Group Decisions团队决策

  •                 Group Decision Making团队作决策

            H - M


  •                 Hearing Concerns倾听关注

  •                 Helpfulness乐于助人

  •                 Helping帮助人的

  •                 Honesty诚实

  •                 ICTs信息与通信

  •                 Idea Exchange交换观点

  •                 Influencing影响力

  •                 Interpersonal人际关系

  •                 Interpreting解释

  •                 Language语言

  •                 Lead带领

  •                 Leadership领导力

  •                 Listening倾听

  •                 Logic逻辑

  •                 Logical Argument逻辑辩论

  •                 Logical Thinking逻辑思维

  •                 Management管理

  •                 Mediation调解

  •                 Motivation激励

  •                 Multitasking多任务

            N – S


  •                 Negotiating谈判

  •                 Nonverbal Communication书面沟通

  •                 Opinion Exchange想法交流

  •                 Oral Communication口头交流

  •                 Participation参与

  •                 Patience耐心

  •                 Perform Tasks执行任务

  •                 Persuading说服

  •                 Positive Attitude积极的态度

  •                 Problem Solving问题解决

  •                 Questioning询问

  •                 Receive Feedback收到反馈

  •                 Relationship Building关系建立

  •                 Reliable可靠的

  •                 Research调研

  •                 Respect尊重

  •                 Respectful尊重的

  •                 Responsibility责任心

  •                 Sharing Credit信用分享

  •                 Support支持

  •                 Supportive支持的

            T – Z


  •                 Team Building团队建设

  •                 Team Building Activities团队建设活动

  •                 Team Management团队管理

  •                 Team Oriented团队精神

  •                 Team Player团队合作者

  •                 Tact随机应变能力

  •                 Task Management任务管理

  •                 Teaching教导

  •                 Trust信任

  •                 Understanding Feelings了解他人感受

  •                 Verbal Communication口头沟通

  •                 Visual Communication视觉传达

  •                 Written Communication书面沟通
  • 回复

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