》老托福题库185中可以挖出12道真题,只问“为什么?” 因此也只需回答“Why?”——无需争辩。用简单而熟悉的结构【起承转合】便足以应付。
起:两个理由A和B (三句话:1. A+B来答问题(这是主题)。2.仿写废话。3. 仿写废话。)
承:论证支持理由A (六句话:第一句招牌句Topic Sentence A,再延伸造加五句话)
转:论证支持理由B (六句话:第一句招牌句Topic Sentence B,再延伸加造五句话)
合:归纳理由A和B (三句话:第一句是A+B,再加两句废话)
》真题的题外指示:Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
起 Introduction: 申论主题(一句答题,两句废话)再多的理由,也只许举出AB两个。
承 Body Paragraph A: 支持主题(理由A,+例子细节)
转 Body Paragraph B: 支持主题(理由B,+例子细节)
合 Conclusion: 重申主题(一句归纳A+B,两句废话)
1. 主题 There are two main reasons why people attend university: career
preparation and increased knowledge.
2. 废话 Specifically, the two factors are what makes a difference in this
respect. (可以改写)
3. 废话 Some relevant examples and details will be given to
1. 归纳 In conclusion, without the benefits of career preparation and
increased knowledge, people would not consider attending university.
2. 废话 To some extent, people are able to experience a change of life.
3. 废话 And here lies the difference.(可以改写)
1. 主题 There are two main reasons why people visit museums when they travel
to new places: education and entertainment. 2. 废话。 3. 废话。
1. 主题 There are two main reasons why people are living longer now: better
living standards and better medical care.
【dangerous sports】危险运动
1. 主题 There are two main reasons why some people are attracted to dangerous
sports: fun and thrill.
1. 主题 Besides money, there are two other main reasons why people work:
freedom from boredom and vice.
1. 主题 There are two main reasons why people remember special gifts that
they have received: the giver and the occasion.
——【read and write】会读会写
1. 主题 There are two main reasons why the ability to read and write is more
important today than in the past: work and life.
——真题:【studying abroad】出国留学
1. 主题 There are two main reasons why many students study abroad: academic
achievement and foreign language.
1. 主题 There are two main reasons why people listen to music: audio
enjoyment and killing time.
1. 主题 There are two main reasons why organizations are an important part of
some people's lifes: sense of belonging and spirit of teamwrok.
1. 主题 There are two main reasons why movies are popular all over the world:
entertainment and education.
1. 主题 There are two main reasons why many people have a close relationship
with their pets: companion and fun. |