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托福分类话题作文:每日一练 第34期









Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2016-7-10 15:22:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
34. Businesses should hire employees for theirentire lives. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples tosupport your answer.

                                        雇用人员的原则是:The employees should be  able to create more than they are paid.
                                        但是,The business also has responsibility  to support those old employees, especially when they have contribute a lot to  the business.


        Topic 34 Should businessnever fire people?
        In the modern society, people are taking a fresh look atwhether companies should offer employees job security for their entire lives,since many businesses are now realizing that job security make employees lessmotivated to work and this leads to less profit for the company. Even thoughjob security also has its own merits, it is becoming a conspicuous obstacle todevelop businesses. Consequently, after pondering this question on manyoccasions, I believe that offering job for entire life is not a wiser choicefor the development of a company and the society. My arguments for this vieware based on the following points.
        The main reason is that job security has an obviousdisadvantage to motivate employees' work attitudes. Further, it leads todecreased productivity for companies. Workers who are certain that they cannever lose their jobs tend to work less efficiently. Many government workersare so indolent that it can take them days and months to complete a task thatshould only take a few days to finish. Moreover, it is not uncommon to walkinto a government office and see employees filing their nails, making personalcalls on the office's telephone, or surfing the Internet for fun.
        The above reason is but one of many factors, in additionto, for the employees, there is a growing awareness that job security is notabsolutely beneficial. With improvement of the society, workers are more eagerto choose a better job, because a new job means a higher salary as well aschallenges. Even some career consultants are starting to recommend thatemployees should find new jobs every three to five years.
        Admittedly, job security has its own advantages, as aproverb says, "Everything has two sides." The most extrememanifestation is the fact that employee represents an investment because of thenumber of hours of training required and the company will continue to have areturn on this investment. However, we have no complete evidence to agree thatbusinesses should hire employee for their entire lives.
        Generally speaking, taking into account of all thesefactors, I do strongly disagree that companies should offer their employeesjobs for entire life. Job security was regarded as an outmoded way ofconducting businesses. Nevertheless, the temporary professional jobs areproving to be the most effective way to raise the standard of living of acountry.

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