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        1. Caffeine咖啡因



        What it is:是什么:
        Caffeine is a crystalline alkaloid found in the seeds, leaves and fruits of some plants. Its most common sources include coffee beans, tea, yerba mate, guarana berries, and guayusa.咖啡因是一些植物的种子、叶子和果实中的透明生物碱,普遍存在于咖啡豆、茶、巴拉圭茶和瓜拉纳浆果中。
        What it does:功效:
        It's most known for its stimulant effects. Caffeine can actually have benefits for exercise as well.众所周知它有使人兴奋的功效,对锻炼也真的很有好处。
        How to take it:如何摄取:
        Taken as a supplement, caffeine is normallyingested in 100mg doses for alertness, 200mg doses for fat-burning, and 500mg doses for help with strength and power output.补充咖啡因100mg正常可以提神,200mg可以燃烧脂肪,500mg有助于锻炼释放体力。
        2. Creatine肌酸



        What it is:是什么:
        Creatine is a naturally occurring organic acid that helps supply energy to cells in the body. The most common natural sources include lean red meat and fish.肌酸是自然形成的有机酸,帮助体内细胞补充能量。最常见的天然来源包括红色瘦肉和鱼肉。
        What it does:功效:
        Creatine supplementation has neuroprotective and cardioprotective benefits, and also aids the brain, bones, muscle, and liver.补充肌酸能保护神经和心脏,也有益于大脑、骨骼、肌肉和肝脏。
        How to take it:如何摄取:
        Doses of 0.66g per pound of body weight for the first week, followed by a 5g dose daily, are recommended.建议第一周每磅体重摄取0.66g即可,随后每天5g。
        3. Inositol肌糖



        What it is:是什么:
        Inositol, or more specifically myo-inositol, is a molecule similar to glucose that is critical in cellular signaling.肌糖,更专业的名称叫肌醇,是一种类似于葡萄糖的微粒,对细胞信号传递有重要作用。
        What it does:功效:
        When taken in very large doses, inositol has been shown to be effective in the treatment of panic attack and anxiety in chronic sufferers. It also has mild anti-depressive effects.大量摄取肌糖可以有效治疗患惊恐发作(一种疾病)和焦虑的慢性病人,也有轻度抗抑郁作用。
        How to take it:如何摄取:
        Doses of 14 to 18 grams of the powdered substance or 4 to 5 grams of the soft gel formulation are necessary.粉末状肌糖要摄取14-18g,或者吃4-5g软胶囊。
        4. Omega-3 Fatty AcidsΩ-3脂肪酸



        What it is:是什么:
        There are three types of Omega-3 fatty acids, but the two found in supplements are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These acids are found naturally occurring in fish.Ω-3脂肪酸有三种,但补充剂里只含两种:二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA),这些酸类自然形成于鱼肉中。
        What it does:功效:
        Supplementation has all kinds of benefits, including healthier blood vessels, reduced risk for plaque buildup, and a decreased risk for diabetes and several forms of cancer.补充Ω-3脂肪酸有各种好处,包括血管健康,降低血小板累积、患糖尿病和几种癌症的风险。
        How to take it:如何摄取:
        One gram taken daily is recommended to help reach adequate levels.建议每日摄取1g就能获取充足的Ω-3脂肪酸。
        5. Melatonin褪黑素



        What it is:是什么:
        Melatonin is a hormone that your brain already produces and secretes to regulate sleep. It is also found naturally occurring in some plants, like rice, corn, tomatoes, edible fruits, and St. John's wort.褪黑素是一种大脑中产生的激素,是调节睡眠的关键。也自然产生于一些植物中,如水稻、玉米、番茄、可食用水果和圣约翰草。
        What it does:功效:
        It's effective at regulating sleep in individuals suffering from shift-work sleep disorders and even jet lag. Melatonin is also a powerful antioxidant, and also has shown benefits for eye health, tinnitus treatment, and for improving mood.对倒班造成睡眠紊乱和患有时差综合征的人能有效改善睡眠。褪黑激素也是强抗氧化剂,对眼睛健康、治疗耳鸣和改善情绪都有好处。
        How to take it:如何摄取:
        For help with sleep, doses of between 500mcg and 5mg taken shortly before sleep have been shown to be effective.为了促进睡眠,入睡前摄取500mcg-5mg就能起效。
        6. Berberine黄连素



        What it is:是什么:
        Berberine is an ammonium salt found in plants such as goldenseal and Calirofnian poppy.黄连素是一种铵盐,存在于一些植物中,如白毛茛和加州罂粟。
        What it does:功效:
        Berberine is incredibly good at regulating blood sugar levels.黄连素尤其对控制血糖有效。
        How to take it:如何摄取:
        Effective doses range from 900mg to 2,000mg daily, divided into three doses taken with or shortly after meals.每天摄取900mg-2,000mg能起效,可以分成三次和饭一起服下或饭后立刻服下。
        7. Bacopa Monnieri假马齿苋



        What it is:是什么:
        Bacopa is one of the few scientifically verified herbal nootropics -- a term for supplements shown to have enhancing effects on various aspects of brain function.假马齿苋是少数的一种科学验证的草本健脑药,这种物质的补充对大脑功能各个方面都有促进作用。
        What it does:功效:
        Supplementation has been shown to have positive effects on memory. Bacopa has also been shown to have minor benefits in people suffering from symptoms of depression and anxiety.补充这种物质被表明对记忆有积极影响,假马齿苋对患抑郁和焦虑的人有轻微好处。
        How to take it:如何摄取:
        Clinical trials have shown to be effective when 300 mg doses were administered and bacoside content (the active component) was 55%.临床试验表明服用300 mg效果明显,其中假马齿苋皂苷(有效成分)的含量是55%。
        8. Vitamin K维生素K



        What it is:是什么:
        Vitamin K is an essential and often overlooked vitamin. Vitamin K is found naturally in leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach, mustard and collard greens, swiss chard and parsley.维生素K是基本的、也是常被忽视的一种维生素。维生素K自然产生于绿叶蔬菜中,如羽衣甘蓝、菠菜、芥菜和绿叶羽衣甘蓝、唐莴苣和欧芹中。
        What it does:功效:
        Supplementation of vitamin K is very important for maintaining good bone health as well as healthy blood coagulation.补充维生素K对于保持骨骼健康和正常凝血功能都很重要。
        How to take it:如何摄取:
        Taking a supplement in the form of a pill will certainly guarantee you get adequate vitamin K support, and multivitamins will certainly help you meet your daily requirement. Eating any decent-sized serving of any of the leafy green vegetables mentioned above will certainly help you meet those same requirements naturally.吃片剂来补充当然能保证你获取充足的维生素K,复合维生素也能帮你满足每日所需。适量吃上述任何一种绿叶蔬菜当然能帮你自然摄取足量的维生素K。
        9. Vitamin D维生素D



        What it is:是什么:
        The most common natural source for vitamin D is the sun, although it is also found in fish and eggs.虽然鱼肉和蛋类中也含有维生素D,但最常见的自然来源是太阳。
        What it does:功效:
        Increased cognition, better immune health, better bone strength, reduced risk of cancer and heart disease are just some of what to expect.提高认知能力、改善免疫系统健康、改善骨骼强度、降低患癌症和心脏疾病的风险,这些都只是维生素D的部分功效。
        How to take it:如何摄取:
        For most people not living in extremely northern or southern areas relative to the equator, doses of 1,000 to 2,000 IU should be ideal. 10,000 IU is considered to be the safe upper limit for supplementation.对于大多数没有住在赤道南北极地的人来说,1,000-2,000 IU是理想补充量。10,000 IU被认为是安全的补充上限。
        10. Rhodiola Rosea红景天



        What it is:是什么:
        It's been a part of traditional Chinese medicine for a long time, and has also seen popularity in Russia and Scandinavian countries as well.很久以来它一直是一种传统中药,在俄罗斯和斯堪的纳维亚国家也很受欢迎。
        What it does:功效:
        Rhodiola might be helpful in combating stress and depression.红景天可能有助于缓解压力和抑郁。
        How to take it:如何摄取:
        To get all the reported benefits of Rhodiola, take 500mg of this extract daily.为了获取医学报告中提到的红景天的那些好处,每天要摄取500mg这种提取物。

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