Japanese anime film Your Name has already been a huge success in its own country. And now it has become the country's most successful film yet at the Chinese box office.日本动漫电影《你的名字》在本国已取得了巨大的成功。如今,这部电影也成为中国票房最高的日本电影。
Despite the lack of big-name Hollywood stars or expensive stunts, it has taken nearly $78m since its debut in early December.虽然这部电影没有大名鼎鼎的好莱坞明星助阵,也没有耗资巨大的特技表演,但自从这部电影在12月初首映以来,其票房收入已接近7800万美元。
So why is it doing so well?那么这部电影为什么会这么火呢?
It's appealing to Chinese looking for escapism.《你的名字》迎合了中国人“逃避现实”的倾向。
Written and directed by 43-year-old Makoto Shinkai, Your Name is a love story about two teenagers who swap bodies.43岁的新海诚创作执导的《你的名字》讲述了互换身体的两个少年之间的爱情故事。
The dreamy drama about missed connections involving star-crossed lovers has captured the imagination of Chinese audiences.不幸恋人错失联系的梦幻剧情激发了中国观众的想象力。
For evidence, look no further than the reviews on the Chinese film rating site, maoyan.com - where reviews have averaged 9.3 out of 10.想证明一下这部电影在中国的受欢迎程度,那就看看中国电影评分网站“猫眼电影”上的评论,这部电影在该网站上的平均得分为9.3分(满分10分)。
"The film was beautiful beyond words and every shot was like a painting," one cinema goer Taylor wrote.一位电影迷泰勒写道:“这部电影美的难以形容,电影中的每一个画面都像一幅画。”
But it is perhaps the element of fantasy that appeals to young Chinese looking for a little escapism.但是,这部电影在中国大获成功也可能是因为电影中的幻想迎合了中国年轻人“逃避现实”的倾向。
"Watching this film made me miss the springtime of my youth and that really touched me," said one fan.一位粉丝说:“这部电影使我怀念起年轻时的美好时光,而且我确实被这部电影感动了。”
Timing is everything.时机掌握很重要。
Film experts believe Your Name has struck a chord with young Chinese at just the right time.电影专家表示,《你的名字》在非常恰当的时间引起了中国年轻人的共鸣。
"It's a love story targeted at the demographic with the most amount of disposable income, the so-called 'Post 90s' generation which has been driving the box office boom," said Jonathan Papish, film industry analyst.“这部纯爱电影以拥有最多可支配收入的人群为目标,也就是推动中国票房增长的所谓的“90后”,”电影行业分析师乔纳森·帕比士说道。
"It also fits well with the ACGN (Anime, Comic, Game, Novel) youth subculture that is growing in popularity in China," Mr Papish added.“这部电影也与以动漫、漫画、游戏、小说(ACGN)为主的青年亚文化十分契合,而且这种文化在中国越来越受欢迎,”帕比士先生补充道。
With box office ticket sales of nearly $78m, the 2D animation replaces Stand By Me Doreamon as the top grossing Japanese film of all time in China.随着票房收入接近7800万美元,这部2维动漫电影取代了《哆啦A梦:伴我同行》,成为有史以来中国票房最高的日本电影。 |