《奇异博士》讲述原本是一名的出色的外科手术专家,因一次车祸导致其双手再也无法使用手术刀正常工作,为了治好自己的双手史蒂芬来到喜马拉雅山上拜访传说中的至尊魔法师古一(Ancient One),却被古一看中并传授其使用魔法的能力,史蒂芬化身奇异博士守卫世界,后在师父阵亡后接任成为至尊法师对抗魔界入侵。奇异博士拥有强大的魔法能力,可以将能量实体化,物质转移、念动力、空间转移、幻像术和精神离体等,是漫威世界一线超级英雄之一。
Master: Quiet.
Dr.Strange: So, you figured out a way to reprogram nerve cells to self-heal?
Master: No, Mr.strange. I know how toreorient the sprint to better heal the body.
Dr.Strange: Spirit…to heal the body. Hah.A…al…al…alright. How do we do that? Where do we start?
Master: Don’t like that map?
Dr.Strange: Oh, no…it’s very good. It’s just…you know, I’ve seen it before. In gift shops.
Master: And what about this one?
Dr.Strange: Acupuncture, great.
Master: Yeah? What about…that one?
Dr.Strange: You’re showing me on MRI scan? I can not believe this.
Master: Each of those maps are drown up by someone who could see in part, but not the whole.
Dr.Strange: I spent my last dollar getting here. On a one-way ticket, and you’re talking to me about healing through belief?
Master: You’re a man who’s looking at the world through a keyhole and you spent your whole life trying to widen that keyhole. To see more, know more. And now, on hearing that it can be widened. In ways you can’t imagine, you reject the possibility?
Dr.Strange: No, I reject it because I do not believe in fairy tales about chakras, or energy or the power of belief. There is no such thing as spirit! We are made of matter, and nothing more. We’re just another momentary speck within an different universe.
Master: You think too little of yourself.
Dr.Strange: Oh, you think you see through me, do you? Well, you don’t. But I see through you!