Sherlock is set to debut its highly anticipated fourth season next month, and costar Benedict Cumberbatch – who portrays the title character Sherlock Holmes in a modern setting – has teased in the past that the three episode installment could potentially serve as the last season for the show.《神探夏洛克》下个月就要播出第四季了,本剧的主角本尼迪克特康伯巴奇在之前的采访中透露,本季可能是最后一季了。
However, showrunner Steven Moffat recently opened up about the lingering rumors of Sherlock and its possible ending, revealing that the end may not be as close as fans may think. Via EW, Moffat says that Cumberbatch was misquoted in regards to Sherlock ending, and the actor is very excited at the prospect of the show continuing on.然而,主创魔法特近期粉碎了本剧将结束的谣言,表示粉丝听到的并不是真相。在娱乐周刊的采访中,魔法特说“卷福”的话误导大家以为本剧走到尽头,而且演员们也很期待本剧继续走下去。(但是呢,就是不说到底会不会继续拍第五季,也是real心累慢慢等结果吧!)
Sherlock season 4 premieres January 1, 2017 with “The Six Thatchers” on BBC.《神探夏洛克》第四季将在2017年1月1日在BBC首播。 |