"Once Upon a Time" added yet another member to Henry's (Jared Gilmore) family tree, though luckily this time it wasn't someone we already knew.《童话镇》里Henry (Jared Gilmore)族谱新增一位成员,不过我们到目前为止并未了解到新增的人物是谁?
However, as always seems to be the case with "Once Upon a Time," there was a hidden backstory just waiting to come to light.Given the major developments of Sunday's (Nov. 27) episode, we've got a few new theories about who could be under that hood in Emma's (Jennifer Morrison) vision.不过,正如《童话镇》的卡司一般,它隐藏着的背景等我们去揭开。在上周日(11月27日)的那一集的主要剧情,我们知道了很多在Emma的视角下的关于胡德家族的新的看法。
"Once Upon a Time" airs Sundays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.《童话镇》于每周日西部时间晚上8点在ABC播出。 |