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发表于 2016-11-16 18:24:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
          Clinton Offers to Work With Trump; Urges Supporters to Keep 'Open Mind'
          Democrat Hillary Clinton conceded the U.S. presidential election Wednesday
to Republican Donald Trump, saying she hopes he "will be a successful president
for all Americans."
          But Clinton, a former U.S. secretary of state who was looking to become the
country's first female president, acknowledged the depth of her disappointment
in losing. She told cheering supporters in New York, "This is painful and it
will be for a long time."
          She said the country was "more deeply divided than we thought," but she
said the losing Democrats "owe him an open mind and a chance to lead." Clinton
urged her supporters to "please never stop believing that fighting for what's
right is worth it."
          U.S. President Barack Obama campaigned hard for Clinton's election, but at
the White House he said of Trump, "We are now all rooting for his success in
uniting and leading the country."
          Obama said that despite the rancor of the long campaign and deep political
divide in the U.S., "We are all Americans first." He invited Trump to the White
House on Thursday to discuss his transition to power on January 20.
          Obama congratulated Trump over the phone early Wednesday.
          Hours after his election triumph, Trump vowed to never forget the working
class Americans who launched him to the biggest upset win in American political
          "The forgotten man and woman will never be forgotten again," the Republican
Trump said on his Twitter account hours after winning the presidency over
Clinton. " We will all come together as never before."
          When he takes office January 20, Trump, a blunt-spoken billionaire real
estate mogul, will become the first U.S. commander in chief who has never before
been elected to public office, served in the military or in a high-level
government position. At 70, he also will be the oldest U.S. president as he
takes over the White House for a four-year term.
          He was widely underestimated and even mocked by the political and media
class throughout his campaign, but he pulled off a stunning and decisive win
over Clinton, who was looking to become the country's first female president.
She called Trump to congratulate him in the early hours of Wednesday after the
outcome became apparent and planned to talk about it later.
          "I pledge to every citizen of our land to be a president for all
Americans," said an exuberant Trump, surrounded by his family and top aides at a
victory party in New York.
          Improbable victory
          It was an improbable victory for Trump, who right up to Election Day
narrowly trailed Clinton in pre-election surveys, most of which proved to be
massively wrong in predicting a Clinton win.
          Trump's campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, told television interviewers
Wednesday that Clinton had more campaign money, but that his campaign "outworked
them, and frankly, we outsmarted them and outclassed them in some cases."
          "Take it to the bank, candidates matter," Conway said. "There's no
substitute for a great candidate."
          Trump's victory brought to an end one of the most contentious and divisive
presidential campaigns ever. At rally after rally, both Clinton and Trump
routinely derided each other as unfit to become the country's leader.
          Trump captured at least 279 electoral votes compared to just 228 for
Clinton, according to figures early Wednesday, amassing more than the 270
majority in the 538-vote Electoral College, where U.S. presidential elections
are decided based on the election results in each of the 50 states and the
national capital, Washington. Results in a few states were still unclear but
won't change the outcome.
          Despite his strong electoral vote win, Trump appeared to be headed for a
narrow loss in the popular vote.
          It would be just the fourth time in U.S. history that the presidential
winner has lost the national vote, but the second time in 16 years it has
occurred, with a Republican winning both times.
          At Trump headquarters the scene was jubilant, though remnants of a divisive
campaign were still evident. Even as it became clear that Trump would win, his
supporters repeatedly broke out in chants of "lock her up," referring to the
Democratic nominee's controversial handling of national security material on her
email accounts while she was the country's top diplomat during Obama's first
term in the White House.
          Trump had vowed during the campaign to name a special prosecutor to further
investigate Clinton, but Trump campaign manager Conway said Wednesday, "We have
not discussed that at all."
          Stock Market
          Stock exchanges in Asia and Europe fell on news of the unexpected Trump
victory, but recovered somewhat from their lowest points as U.S. vote counts
through Tuesday evening showed the increasing likelihood that he would win.
          Trump had for weeks shrugged off the significance of opinion polls, saying
they were products of a system that was "rigged" against him and insisting that
the size and passion of his rallies were a better indicator of public
          According to exit polls, Trump benefited from a larger than expected
turnout among his base of white rural voters, men and those without a college
degree. Many of them feel left behind in a changing, global economy and were
attracted to Trump's anti-trade, anti-immigration stances, such as his vow to
build a wall along the U.S. southern border with Mexico and attempt to make
Mexico City pay for it to thwart more illegal immigration into the U.S.
          In the end, that was enough to offset Trump's lack of support among
minorities, women and more educated voters who favored Clinton. Exit polls
showed that nearly 9 in 10 African Americans and two-thirds of Hispanics voted
for Clinton.
          Republicans control congress
          Trump will take office with a Congress fully under control by Republicans,
after the party on Tuesday not only protected its majority in the Senate, but
also left it in control of the House. That means Republicans will be able to
fill vacancies at the Supreme Court, likely resulting in a shift to the right
that could last a generation.
          But still, the Republican Party faces massive challenges, having been
largely divided over Trump's candidacy. Over the course of his campaign, Trump
has lashed out at mainstream Republicans, and has rejected many aspects of
traditional conservatism.
          "We're in unchartered waters now in terms of what comes next," says
Republican political strategist Ron Bonjean. "This is an unprecedented victory
by an outsider who took control of the Republican Party and shook the
establishment to its core and is now coming to Washington with a wrecking

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