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Pietro Boselli 最性感数学老师TED英文演讲









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        大家还记得号称全世界最性感男数学老师的Pietro Boselli吗?就是那个既在伦敦大学学院(University College London)教数学,又给时尚大牌做T台模特的肌肉男。


















                Good evening. My name is Pietro Boselli.晚上好。我的名字是Pietro Boselli。
                And I’m an engineer and a model.我是一名工程师兼模特。
                So, you know, this is my life. It’s like being both of them.所以,你懂的,这就是我的生活。差不多就是这两样东西。
                Some of my colleagues in academia think I completely lost my mind.我学院里的一些同事觉得我彻底疯了。
                But, it’s what I do.不过,这就是我在做的事。
                In the course of my life, I focus on 3 things mainly.在我的生活中,我主要把注意力放在3件事情上。
                One is academia, my engineering studies and my Ph.D. 一个是学术,也就是我的工程学研究以及Ph.D学位。
                Fitness is another big thing in my life. You know I’m a fitness model.健身是我生活中另一件很重要的事。你们也知道,我是个健体模特。
                And a fashion model. So, fashion is another big thing.我还是个时尚模特。所以,时尚也是我另一个很重要的东西。
                So despite the diversity, I managed to survive pretty well, I think.虽然这个跨度很大,但我觉得我把它们都搞得还不错。
                So, from my life experience I could definitely support the physis that there exists an interdisciplinary approach of life, that anything you learn from one instance can all value to something apparently distant.所以,以我个人的人生经历来说,我完全可以支持这么个自然规律:生活中,有些处事方法是跨领域、跨学科的,你在任何一个领域学到的东西都能在完全不同的领域创造价值。
                For example, I could argue that the confidence of science helps you modeling.比如,我可以告诉你对科学的信心能帮你成为一个更好的模特。
                Or that the train regime of a fitness athlete can give consistency to your scientific studies. Or that mechanics can be applied to your body.以及,一个健体运动员的训练体系能使你在进行科学研究的时候更持之以恒;还有,力学原理可以运用在你的身体上。
                But I wanna be more generic. I wanna say that if you focus on something very specific of your life, that doesn’t mean you can’t excel at something completely different.不过,我想说得更普世一点。我想说的是,即使你在生活中非常专注于一个专业领域,也并不意味着你就不能在一个完全不同的领域大放异彩。
                The human intellect operates organically as a whole with creativity and rationality being subsites as its ability.人类的智能是一个有机的整体,创造力和理性思维都是它的子功能。
                And this is what I’m here to prove today.而这就是我今天来这想证明的事。
                So, I dedicated 8 years of my life to engineering. So I’m gonna start from this area.我将8年的时间奉献给了工程学,所以我就从这个领域开始讲吧。
                In engineering an interdisciplinary approach is one that resources to different branches of science in order to tackle a specific design problems. 在工程学中,所谓“跨学科研究法”指的是为了解决一个特定的设计问题而去不同的科学领域中寻找资源。
                Could you apply concepts of natural evolution to, say, the design of a jet engine? Of course you can.我们能把自然演化的概念运用到像设计喷气式引擎这样的任务中吗?当然可以。
                And this is what computer scientist and engineers have realized, that natural evolution is a very effective optimization process.而这是计算机科学家和工程师们已经意识到的:自然演化是一个非常有效的优化过程。
                So when we look for a solution for design problem, instead of just looking for it, we can apply a genetic algorithm and evolve the solution.所以,当我们需要为一个设计问题寻找解决方案的时候,并不一定得自己寻找这个方案,我们可以运用一个遗传学算法来让解决方案自己演化出来。
                My question here is: can we apply this concept to our life in order to find our optimum?我想问的是:我们能不能将这种思想运用到自己的生活当中,以此使人生达到最优化呢?
                And I say why not?我的答案是:有何不可?
                But before we proceed any further, let me operate a little bit more on a couple of concepts from genetics, especially 2 genetic operators of mutation and crossover.不过,在我们往深一层讲之前,让我先来多讲讲遗传学中的一些概念,尤其是突变和交叉互换这两个遗传算子。
                Of course I could give the classic example of the poor giraffe who one day (she) just found herself with an ashy long neck because of genetic mutation.当然,我可以举这只可怜长颈鹿的经典例子,一天她突然发现自己因为基因突变而有了一条灰色的长脖子。
                And despite the bullying in early life from the other cubs, she suddenly realized that she had an advantage.而虽然她在早年间一直(因此)受到其他幼崽的欺负,她后来突然发现其实自己是有优势的。
                Confidence kicked in and her mates soon realized that maybe it was a good idea to pass on that freak genetic traits to other generations, if you know what I mean.于是她开始有了信心,而她的同伴们也意识到:把这种奇葩基因传给后代或许是个不错的点子,我在讲什么你们都懂哈。
                But the nature of my talk allows me to reinvent completely the way genetics is studied in schools.不过,我今天的演讲需要我以完全不同于学校教学的方式来阐述遗传学的原理。
                So, picture a child. If you can’t picture, there she is.那么,大家来想象一个小孩。如果想象不出来,她在这呢。
                She is given a magical box of colors for the very first time.她头一次获得一个装满各种颜色的神奇盒子。
                Her taste in picking a color from the box resembles natural selection.她凭着喜好从盒子里选颜色的过程就像是自然选择。
                You know, it’s an expression of the fitness of a color.大家都明白啊,这个行为体现了一个颜色的适应性。
                Because of her young age, her taste is untainted by empirical arational elements.而由于她还很小,她的喜好并没有受到经验主义的非理性因素的干扰。
                The colors are magic. So they can mix them with themselves.颜色(对她来说)是种魔法,它们能互相混合。
                2 colors can mix to create a third and, you know, be as promiscuous as they want, you know it’s more of a reproductive frenzy.2个颜色混合在一起能创造出第3种颜色,对吧,你想怎么杂交就能怎么杂交,简直就像是生物的生殖狂热。
                And 2 colors that are very similar who mix together don’t create something that is of interest to the child.而2个相近的颜色混合在一起创造出来的东西,并不会让这个小孩太感兴趣。
                For example blue and another different tone of blue are mixed together. Not much interest.比如,一种蓝色和另一种不同色调的蓝色混合在一起,没什么意思。
                But if blue and yellow are mixed together, how amazing, green is created.但如果蓝色和黄色混合在一起,太神奇了,它们创造了绿色。
                That would definitely be picked as a new favorite by this child.而这个绿色必然会被这个小孩选为新的心头好。
                But what would happen if colors just start to mix with themselves? Suddenly just decided to change radically, like dry more rapidly or slowly, change texture, become sparkly, fluorescent, matt.不过,如果颜色能自行混合又会发生什么呢?(设想一下)它们突然间就开始剧烈地变异,比如干燥速度变快或变慢,比如改变材质,变成闪光的、荧光的、哑光的。
                Then, who knows, the child might absolutely love sparkles and hate the matt finish.然后,谁知道呢,这个小孩可能超级喜欢闪光的而极其讨厌哑光材质。
                And the new love for sparkles will surpass old. So a new sparkling green will be chosen over the old green.而这种对闪光的喜好会超越旧的喜好。于是一种新的闪光绿就会被她选择,旧的绿色就被抛弃了。
                And maybe she will paint a long-necked giraffe with it.说不定她决定用这个新颜色来画只长脖子的长颈鹿。
                So, in our life, like the child slowly creates the painting that she’s in love with, every decision we take, every course of action, every opinion we form slowly goes to evolve our life to what it ultimately will be and to what we’ll ultimately be happy with.所以,在我们的生活中,就像这个小孩慢慢地创造他喜欢的画作一样,我们的每一个选择、每一个行为、每一个观点都一步一步地将我们的人生演化成它最终的样子以及我们最终希望得到的样子。
                In our life I like to compare the mixing of colors to crossovers. And crossover in our life is learning: how we take all the information from every different aspect of our life, that will put all our memories together and create our lightful thoughts.在人生这个方面,我倾向于把颜色的混合比作交叉互换。而交叉互换在我们的人生中就是学习:从生命中各个不同的方面吸取信息,而这些信息将我们的记忆维系成一个整体并从中创造出我们丰富的思维。
                Mutation, on the other hand, is more radical.突变,作为其中的另一方面,是更激进的。
                It carries an animally renovation of evolution.它带来演化过程中肉体性的更新迭代。
                Mutation is what I compare in our life to creativity.我把我们生活中运用的创造力比作突变。
                So, crossover is learning. Mutation is creativity. How we take something, that, in our life, we always learn to be correct, to be successful.所以,交叉互换就是学习,突变就是创造力。我们就是通过这些方法来学习怎么在生活中成为一个正确又成功的人。
                And we completely reinvented. We reinvent the status quo.而我们也以此进行发明创造。我们以此对现状进行彻底的再创造。
                So, the exhortation here is to learn as much as you can and to be a visionary, to see something outside the box.所以,我在这段讲话中想给大家的劝导是:尽自己所能去学更多东西,努力成为一个前瞻者,并跳出框架看问题。
                So, how do we achieve this versatility?那我们要如何才能变得这么多才多艺呢?
                The first step is to realize the analogies between all different extends of human endeavor.首先要了解一切人类事业间的类比关系。
                Then inventor and the artist used to be one of the same in the past, right?发明家与艺术家在过去是同一种人,对不对?
                They used to be ingenious in creative figures, just like the philosopher and the physicist. They were analyzers, investigators.他们在过去都是善于发明的创造性人才,就和哲学家还有物理学家一样。他们是分析者,是研究者。
                One single figure. And now this figures have been detached. And categories have been created.(当时)只有一个共同的身份。而现在这种身份被割裂了,于是出现了不同的分类。
                But we need these categories.而我们需要这样的分类。
                Isn’t modern physics truly a matter of physics?[/en](比如)难道现代物理学不是物理学的一个分支吗?
                [en]The artist and engineer are both creators. One creates using paint, rhymes and music. the other uses mathematical modelling and physics as too for creation.艺术家和工程师都是创造者。一种是用颜料、韵律和音乐来创造。另一种是用数学模型和物理学原理,但同样是创造。
                Both individuals can visualize the end product in their heads and then materialize it through a set of physical and intellectual constraints.这两种人都对他们的最终造物有着清晰的愿景,并通过借助一系列物质层面和思维层面的约束条件来将他们实现出来。
                For example, we don’t need a fridge. We need coldness. We don’t need a heater. We need warmth.比如,我们需要的本不是冰箱,而是冷气。我们需要的本不是取暖器,而是温暖。
                We find that shape and form of an object are contingent, not necessary.所以我们能发现,这些东西的外形和形式都是因情况而变的,并不一定得是现在的样子。
                We don’t need a CD player. We need to play music. So when we invented MP3, well, suddenly the CD players are obsolete but the need for music remains.我们需要的本不是CD机,而是播放音乐。于是当我们发明了MP3之后,CD机瞬间就被废弃了,而我们对音乐的需求却没有变。
                We don’t need to put it into a car, ha we definitely need a car. We need transportation, alright?我们需要的本不是汽车,哈哈开玩笑,谁都不能不要车。我们需要的是运输,对吧?
                So what we physically create as artist or engineers is the vizard of the set of constraints and our knowledge in order to turn a concept into reality.所以,作为艺术家和工程师,我们创造的东西实际上只是在我们的知识以及各种客观限制条件下生成的一个驱壳,我们根源的目的是把概念付诸现实。
                So, the engineer needs to provide heat, speed, stability, and the poet, the artist, need to provide, oh inspiration, passion, wrath, infatuation.对,工程师实际上需要提供的是热力、速度、稳定性;而诗人和艺术家实际上需要提供的是启发、激情、盛怒、迷恋。
                The final art piece is the result of the constraints that we have. So we have to place the layers of paint down one by one and only the painter can visualize the end product.最终呈现的艺术品只是现有限制条件创造的一个结果。一副画作是由一层一层的颜料堆叠出来的,(而在绘制过程中)只有画家本人才知道它最后长什么样。
                The infinite sentiment of the poet can only be materialized in the conscience of someone else through the vessel of language.诗人那无穷的情怀只有通过语言这个躯壳才能被另一个人切实感受到。
                If this artist could transmit these emotions, these visions to the next person directly, say, by telepathy, they wouldn’t be needing to master the use of colors or the use of rhymes.而如果这位艺术家能够通过其他更直接的方式,比如精神遥感,来把这些情感和愿景传达给另一个人呢?他们就不需要再去掌握色彩和韵律这些工具了。
                Just like we don’t need a CD player if I can play the music in the phone right now.这就好像我们现在不需要用CD机来放音乐,因为我们可以直接在手机上放。
                In a similar way, the final form of the engineering design is dictated by the constraints and knowledge that we have in order to go find the function through the form.同样地,一个工程学设计品的最终面貌也是由外在限制条件和我们的知识决定的,我们通过它现有的形式来实现他的功能。
                And for example, architecture is a very clear example of how the balance between function and form becomes a solid link.比如,建筑就是一个非常清晰的例子,它平衡了功能与形式并使二者稳定地扣合在一起。
                Architecture does not provide just a simple practical need but also it provides for us spiritually. It gives us identities, a society, or a family, a home.建筑不光提供一个实用性的功能,它也满足我们的精神需求,它为我们提供身份、社群、家庭、归属。
                And it pushes the boundary of technology while is heavily relying on them.而它在高度依赖技术的同时也拓展着技术的边界。
                In a similar way, all forms of art rely on technology. Imagine when photography or cinematography were invented, new forms of art were born.同样,一切形式的艺术都依赖技术。想象一下,当摄影术和电影制片术被发明的时候,新的艺术形式诞生了。
                In a similar way that a new digital area has expended the possibilities for creativeness.相同的情况还包括数字化领域,它拓展了创造的可能性。
                For example, I’ve been called a YouTube creator, how amazing, after years that I spent designing steam turbines.例如,在花了这么多年设计蒸汽涡轮引擎之后,我现在却被叫做“油管UP主”,多么神奇。
                It is also true, however, that modern economy rely heavily on specialization. And this complexity has increased the gap between creativity and functionality, the civil engineer and the architect are separated figures.同样不能否认的是,现代经济非常依赖专业分工。而这种复杂性拉大了创造力与功能性之间的鸿沟,土木工程师和建筑师已经是完全不同的两种身份了。
                Does it need to be that way?但是这真的有必要吗?
                I’d like to give a message to you all today and that is: do not place boundaries in ourselves.我今天想向你们所有人传达一个信息,那就是:不要自己为自己设定边界。
                I wanna quote Michelangelo. I love this quote. He said the greatest danger for all of us is not setting our aim too high and falling short but setting our aim too low and not achieving our mark.我想引用一句米开朗基罗的话,我特别喜欢这句。他说:我们面前最大的危机,不是将目标定得太高而自惭形秽,而是把目标定得太低以至于不能实现我们的价值。
                And whilst his masterpiece is a clear example of setting your aim high.而他的杰作正是高远目标的清晰体现。
                And I think that setting your aim high also means expending your horizons and venturing out there and exploring you’re your capability, all your talents even if it’s completely different from what you always have done.我认为,将目标设定得高远,同时意味着拓展自己的事业、在未知中闯荡、探索你的潜能和才华,即使你即将做的事情和你以前做的完全不一样也无妨。
                We all have heard that saying ‘jack of all trades, master of none’ right?我们都听过“博而不精”这个说法对吧?
                And while admittedly very persuasive, it’s settled an elusive negativity. It’s also very dangerous.虽然似乎很有说服力,但它散发着阴郁的负能量。而且这是种非常危险的想法。
                I always wonder what would be Leonardo da Vinchi’s reaction to the saying ‘Hi foolio, jack of all trades, master of none.’我一直很好奇,如果有人对列奥纳多•达•芬奇说:“嗨,你这博而不精的傻子~”的时候他会有何反应。
                And I’m 27 years old, and limited to that life experience, I have not achieved anything too remarkable.我现在27岁了,由于阅历有限,我还并没有太多辉煌的成就。
                However, I have my fair share of naysayers. 不过,给我泼冷水的人我倒是见过不少。
                I have heard all time that I couldn’t be a model and a mechanic engineer, that I couldn’t have a high fitness regime and focus on my studies, that I was working out way too much for fashion.一直都有人说我不可能同时做一个模特和一个工程师,说我不能在保持高强度训练计划的同时专心于我的研究,说我为了时尚业花太多时间去健身了。
                And more generally, moving on from my personal life, too often people dismiss the ability of the mathematician or a computer scientist to appreciate art. The accuracy and meticulousness of the performing artist are always overlooked by academic community.而抛开我的个人生活更广泛地讲,人们太容易低估数学家和计算机科学家欣赏艺术的能力了。表演艺术家的准确性和一丝不苟也时常被学术界忽视。
                The politicians smile at the problematic ability of economists.政客们对经济学家解决问题的能力表示嘲笑。
                And the fashion choices of, say, the construction worker are frown upon.而建筑工人一类人的着装选择也时常遭人轻蔑。
                But perhaps, somewhere out there, someone is pushing his boundaries away. Someone is precipitating these stereotypes into unavoidable thinking.但或许,在远方的某处,某人正在拓展自己的边界,某人正在将这些成见沉淀成不可回避的严肃思考。
                I have surpassed all awkwardness. Many awkward moments in my life.我本人已经便尝并克服了各种尴尬。我的一生中有很多尴尬的瞬间。
                I have explained to a fellow model that the book I was reading was on mathematics despite only letters are appearing in it and elucidating fellow engineers that a runway show is not an activist protest on a planned expansion or that again successing fashion comes at the price of hard work just as much as engineering.我曾经向一起走秀的模特解释我正在读的一本书是关于数学的,只不过书上只有文字没有数字;也对一起工作的工程师科普,说时装秀并不是激进分子用来抗议现状的烧钱行为,以及时尚业的成功也是靠汗水换来的,就和工程学一样。
                I will never now again hide my talents as no one of us should.我不会再隐藏我的任何才能,我们都不该隐藏。
                And we all have more than one.而我们都不止拥有一种才能。
                Being a visionary is simply a simultaneous expression of all talents within ourselves.所谓的前瞻者,只不过是自然而然地发挥TA全部的内在才能而已。
                Thank you.谢谢大家。
        1. 我们人生的进步有2条途径:
        2. 虽然现在的专业分工千差万别,但创造性的工作其实同源,不同领域之间并没有无法跨越的鸿沟。
        3. 所有的表象都是在外在限制条件与知识的有限性下产生的暂时状态,重要的是内在的目的与功能。物品如此,人也是如此,我们生活的现状是顺理成章的,但它并不是一定的,改变限制条件后,我们拥有近乎无限的可能性。



        By the way:












        “TED: Pietro Boselli 做模特不妨碍我教数学”


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