Ryan Murphy over the weekend shared an twist that's coming up for American Horror Story.Ryan Murphy上周末分享了一个《美国恐怖故事》即将上演的巨大转折给大家。
During an AHS panel at Entertainment Weekly's PopFest on Sunday, the creator confirmed that there's going to be a crossover between Murder House, Season 1 of his horror anthology, and Coven, Season 3.在周日《娱乐周刊》组织的一场活动上,这位制作人对外确认第六季将会和第一季凶宅和第三季女巫集会上演串剧。
"We do know what we're going to do," Murphy said. "It's not going to be next season, but we are going to do a season that's a crossover between Murder House and Coven together, which is very bizarre."“我们知道我们要做的是什么”Murphy说。“不用等到下一季,这一季我们就要串剧'凶宅'和'女巫集会',真是太疯狂了。”
He clarified by saying, "There will be characters from Murder House and characters from Coven together."他表示,届时将会有《凶宅》和《女巫集会》的角色齐聚一堂。 |