Unlike the 20-plus episode count of prior seasons, Bones’ final season will consist of only 12 episodes, although fans of the show would no doubt agree that 12 new episodes is much better than no new episodes at all. After over a decade of success, one could argue that FOX owes Bones fans a worthy send-off, although it wouldn’t be the first time that the network dropped the axe on a long-running hit show with no warning.与往季二十几集不同,《识骨寻踪》最后一季第12季将只有12集,尽管粉丝们认为新拍12集比一集没有强不了多少。一个长达10年的光辉之后,大家认为FOX欠粉丝们一个应得的告别,虽然这并不是互联网上第一部没有预警就结束了的长剧。
As for what fans can expect from Bones’ final run, FOX says that multiple past guest stars will return for another hurrah. Fans will also be treated to what the network calls an “epic” serial killer storyline, as well as a wedding, and even a lumberjack competition.就粉丝期待本季《识骨寻踪》的剧情来讲,FOX表示会有一些客串角色回归。粉丝们还有幸看到“史诗般”的连环杀人故事线,还会有一场婚礼,甚至还有一些竞争。
Bones season 12 premieres Tuesday, Jan 3, 2017 on FOX.《识骨寻踪》第12季将在2017年1月3日周二在FOX首播。 |