《机械师》翻拍自1972年的同名电影,影片于2011年1月28日在美国上映,是由西蒙•韦斯特执导的一部动作电影。影片讲述了一个顶尖杀手,带着自己一手培养出来的徒弟执行上司的命令。一名有条不紊的杀手带领一个任性冲动的菜鸟进入了血雨腥风的世界。影片《机械师》由原名《THE MECHANIC》翻译而来,象征的手法解释了影片表达的主题和描述的故事。从字面上冰冷而准确地塑造了杀手的世界。在杀手的内心世界也做了深入挖掘。影片第二部《机械师:复活》于2016年10月21日在中国上映。
Car Jacker:Hey, you need some help?
Steve: No, I think I got it. I suppose to meet a friend and I might of get the address wrong.
Car Jacker: Yeah, maybe.
Steve: But maybe the address wrong.
Car Jacker: Nice car, man, Nice car.
Steve: Thanks.
Car Jacker: Can I have it?
Steve: What!
Car Jacker: I’m leaving you of your automobile, motherfucker. Out of the car.
Steve: Seriously?
Car Jacker: Seriously.
Steve: Jesus fucking Christ. Okay, Okay, car jacker. You shoot him with this? Is this the gun you used?
Arthur: No. Steve? Hey bad move. Hope you think through, did you. Its may not seem like it but tonight, your lucky night. Raymond. You fell down. We could looking for you. Get out of here.Stupid to kill someone when you have a motive. Might as well paint a bulls eye on your back.
Steve: I don’t give a shit.
Aurthur: I’m aware. Get out of here.