Have you been stuck in a rut lately, feeling like genuine happiness is virtually impossible to obtain? Whatever trials you are facing at this very moment will surely pass. Happiness is right before our eyes. Here are 17 simple ways to seek out happiness in your every day lives, and how I managed to keep my sanity during a period of turmoil:你是否曾经深陷窘境,觉得真正的幸福无处可寻?不论你当下的境遇如何,这一切都会过去。幸福就在眼前。以下就是日常生活中追求更好生活的17个简单小方法。我也是通过这些方法,在喧嚣中保持清醒的。
1. Get outside.1. 出去看看
It has been scientifically proven that being outdoors helps alleviate feelings of sadness and depression. Sit for a while and pay close attention to your surroundings; I guarantee you'll soon be reminded of the beauty of life.科学研究表明,出门看看能够帮助缓和悲伤及抑郁。出去坐一会儿,看看周围的景色,保证你会重新认识人生的美好。
2. Forgive and forget.2. 原谅、释怀
Holding grudges serves absolutely no purpose in life. We've all been bruised before, some worse than others, but no matter the situation, you will always be better off leaving it in the past. If not for their sake, forgive them for your own.怨恨毫无用处。人人都受过挫,程度不同而已。但无论情况如何,向前看才是最重要的。不为别人,也是为了自己,学会原谅。
3. Take up yoga.3. 练习瑜伽
Not only is this a great workout, but it is a great method of relaxation. Learning to take slow, deep breaths is not just good for your physical health, but mental, as well.这不仅是一种极好的健身方式,也能起到放松的作用。学会深呼吸,不仅有利于身体健康,也对心理有好处。
4. Reach out to loved ones.4. 联系你爱的人
Tell your friends and family that you love them. Life is incredibly precious and as cliche as it sounds, we never know when our time on Earth is going to end. Shoot them a text and ask them how they're doing. Let your loved ones know that you care, even if it's been a while.告诉朋友、家人你爱他们。虽然听起来很俗,但人生太珍贵,我们不知道它究竟会在何处终止。给你爱的人发个短信,问问他们近况如何,让他们知道你是在乎的,即便你们很久都没有联系了。
5. Find your passion.5. 发掘你的激情
Whether it's writing, drawing, playing sports, or learning to play an instrument, find something that makes you feel alive.无论是写作、画画、运动还是学习一门乐器,去找一样激发你热情的事情做。
6. Stop eating junk food.6. 停止吃垃圾食品
Do you have any idea what you are actually putting into your body? They make healthy frozen dinners that you can throw in a microwave and have ready in less than ten minutes. You really have no excuse not to take care of yourself.你知道自己每天吃进肚子的都是些什么吗?市面上有卖健康的冷冻食品,放进微波炉里加热一下,十分钟就能搞定。你真的没有理由不好好照顾自己。
7. Volunteer.7. 做志愿者
Kindness never goes out of style, and that is a fact. Making others smile can go a long way for your own sense of happiness and fulfillment.善良是永不过时的品质,这是事实。为他人带来快乐时,自己得到的满足感和幸福感可以持续更久。
8. Wake up early8. 早起
Use your time wisely and plan your day accordingly. I especially struggle with this one, but one thing I've noticed is that the earlier I wake up, the more I get done.合理利用、安排时间。这一条对我来说尤其困难,但是我发现,起得越早完成的事情也就越多。
9. Surround yourself with positive people.9. 多和积极向上的人打交道
Your vibe attracts your tribe. If you make a point to surround yourself with kind, caring, and goal-oriented people, these qualities are bound to rub off on you.你的气场能够吸引你的同伴。如果你有意识地和那些善良、有爱、有目标的人打交道,这些品质也会感染到你。
10. Stop caring what others think.10. 不要在意他人的看法
You might think people are watching and judging your every move, but in all honesty, they probably care less than you think. So you shouldn't care either.你也许认为,你的一举一动都被人看在眼里、被指指点点,但其实他们没有你想的那么在意,所以你也用不着在意。
11. Stop worrying.11. 不要担忧
Most of the time all those horrible, traumatic scenarios that we concoct in our heads never end up happening. Save yourself the trouble and stop worrying, especially if it's something you have no control over.多数情况下,那些我们捏造出来的、电视剧里才会有的恐怖情景根本不会发生。别忙着去担心这些了,特别是那些担心了也并没有办法改变的事情。
12. Make mistakes. Learn from them.12. 勇于犯错,汲取教训
Here's something I learned from school that actually applies in the real world: you never fail until you stop trying. As long as you are making mistakes and learning from them, you are on the track to success.这是我从学校里学到并能运用到现实生活中的:只有放弃才算失败。只要你勇于犯错并从中吸取教训,你一直都在通往成功的道路上。
13. Disconnect every once in a while.13. 偶尔玩个消失
Turn your phone off for a week and tell me you don't feel more alive. If you can't go as far as to cut all ties with technology, at least take a brief hiatus from social media.关机一个月,你会感到更加有活力。如果做不到完全与通讯工具隔绝,至少远离社交媒体。
14. Laugh. As much as you can, as often as you can.14. 笑。笑得越开心越好、越频繁越好
I'm a firm believer that laughter can cure most ailments. Go see that romantic comedy you've been meaning to watch, hangout with that hilarious friend from high school, laugh until you cry.我坚定地相信笑是一剂良药。去看一部你一直想看的浪漫喜剧,和高中有趣的好友一起出去玩,然后笑到流泪吧。
15. Get a good night's rest.15. 晚上好好休息
This is truly imperative to your well being, not just physically, but mentally, as well. You should be getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night, if not more. If you find yourself catching less shut eye, make a conscious effort to turn off all electronics an hour before bed so you have some time to relax & unwind.这对你日常的表现来说真的非常重要,身体上、心理上都是一样。晚上至少七小时的睡眠是必须的。如果你发觉自己睡得少了,那么注意在睡前一小时关闭一切电子设备以保证充足的休息和放松。
16. Make it a goal to make someone smile every day.16. 把给人带来微笑当做每天的一个任务
It doesn't have to be something extravagant. It truly is the little things that mean the most in life - such as smiling at a passerby, complimenting someone on a feature or outfit, or even holding the door open for the person behind you.不一定非要是什么昂贵的东西,往往是那些最小的事情意义最重大,比如迎面而来的一个微笑、赞扬某人的容貌或者穿衣、甚至是为身后的人留个门。
17. Start a gratitude journal.17. 开始写感恩日志
Write down five positive things that happen to you each day, and five things you are looking forward to in the future.每天写下发生在你身上的五件积极的事情,还有五件你希望在未来发生的事。
I know that if you are truly struggling, happiness will not happen overnight. However, if you work to implement these positive life changes each and every day, I guarantee things will eventually get better.我知道,如果你的生活真的很艰辛,幸福并不会一夜降临。然而,如果你每天都能按这些方法去积极地改变,我保证一切都会越来越好。 |