In a new interview with Comicbook.com, Lance Henriksen, one of the actors who will play Obsidian in Legends of Tomorrow season 2, has confirmed his character is indeed the son of Green Lantern Alan Scott.在Comicbook.com的一次采访中,在《明日传奇》中饰演奥布斯迪恩的演员兰斯·亨利克森说道他在剧中的角色是“绿灯侠”阿兰·斯科特的儿子。
Obsidian, who also goes by the name Todd Rice in the comics, has the ability to merge his body with his shadow, granting him superhuman skills like flight, the ability to envelop enemies, and cover the whole world in darkness by increasing his size. Legends of Tomorrow will feature two versions of Obsidian: a younger and an older version. The first version the Legends will encounter is played by Dan Payne, while Henriksen will play the older version.奥布斯迪恩,在剧中也叫作托德赖斯,拥有将自己隐藏在自己身影里的超能力,他将自己的超能力像飞行用来包围敌人,通过加大自己的尺寸让整个世界笼罩在黑暗里。《明日传奇》里一共有两个奥布斯迪恩,年轻时期由丹佩恩饰演,年老时期由亨利克森饰演。
If Legends of Tomorrow does in fact state that Alan Scott is Rice’s father is it possible the showrunners have changed their minds on bringing (a) Green Lantern into the DC TV Universe? It’s also worth considering that the show could just refer to his father as Alan Scott, but never make any mention of his superhero alter-ego.如果《明日传奇》真的让阿兰斯科特作为奥布斯迪恩的父亲,那么运作人估计是改变了主意把“绿灯侠”带进了DC电视有限公司?那么我们还可以想到,这部剧仅仅说他的父亲是“绿灯侠”,丝毫没有提及他自己的变化超能力。
Legends of Tomorrow season 2 on Thursday October 13.《明日传奇》第二季10月13日周四开播。 |