The Strain, a horror series about the outbreak of a vampiric disease in New York City, debuted in 2014. Since then, though the show has received generally favorable reviews, some fans have noticed the show hit a few lulls. A statement by showrunnner Carlton Cuse reflected this concern and revealed some dramatic news: The series will come to an end after its fourth season, which is slated for a summer 2017 premier.《血族》,是发生在纽约以爆发吸血鬼灾难为背景的十分辉煌的美剧,2014年初次登台。自此,这部剧圈粉无数,不过一些粉丝也发现本剧开始出现了间歇。本剧的运作人卡尔顿之前发表声明反映这些担心同时爆出本剧的一些新闻:《血族》将在2017年夏天开播的第四季后迎来结束。
It’s comforting to know that this unique series has received nothing but support from its network, but horror fans will undoubtedly be sad to see it go, despite its recently slowed-down pace.知道这部独特的美剧什么也没有得到不过得到网络的支持,大家心里稍显安慰,但是粉丝们一定会很伤心看到《血族》被砍掉,埋怨最近越来越慢的更新速度。
The Strain is in its third season and currently airs Sundays at 10 p.m. EST on FX.《血族》第三季正在播放,每周末东部时间晚上10点在FX上播出。 |