The long-rumoured movie version of hit show Downton Abbey looks ever more likely as one of the actors has appeared to confirm the involvement of Maggie Smith in such a project.之前早有传闻热播英剧《唐顿庄园》将要拍成电影。不久,剧中一名演员隐约透露老戏骨玛吉史密斯将参演。
Smith, 81, who won an Emmy for her performance as Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham in the show, had previously been sceptical about the endeavour, saying a year ago she feared her character’s advancing years ruled her out of such an appearance. 今年81岁的史密斯凭借在片中饰演的伯爵遗孀Violet一角获得艾美奖,此前,她一直对拍成电影这一事抱有怀疑态度,而且在一年前她曾表示她所饰演角色年事已高,恐怕无法参演。
Asked if she would appear in any film, Smith told Graham Norton: “I can’t –what age would she be? By the time we finished, she must have been about 110. It couldn’t go on and on, it just didn’t make sense.”被问及是否会参演电影时,史密斯告诉格拉汉姆·诺顿说:“我恐怕不行,那时候她都多大年纪了?等我们拍完她都110岁了,故事不能这样进行下去,听起来很不合常理。”
But at a Bafta event in Los Angeles over the weekend, Michael Fox, who plays friendly valet Andy Parker on the show, said that Smith signing on meant the film would not only proceed –but be the better for it.但是,刚过去的这个周末,在洛杉矶的电影和电影艺术学院活动上,剧中扮演安迪•帕克的迈克尔•福克斯透露,如果史密斯参演的话就意味着电影版不仅开拍还会拍得很好。
“The film without her would still be good with all the other actors,”he was quoted by MailOnline, “but it puts a stamp of quality with her in it.”他说:“电影版没有她的参演,其他演员也会表演的很好,但是有她的加入将会使电影版有质的飞跃。”
At the same event, show creator and writer Julian Fellowesexpressed enthusiasm about the prospect.在同一场活动中,该剧的制作人和编剧朱利安•费罗斯也表示了对于拍摄电影版的热情:
“I think it will be fun to get everyone together,”he said, “and move it to a larger scale because you have got more money to spend.” ”让大家重聚在一起完成一个更大的项目应该会很开心,因为可以获得更多的资金。”
Speaking to Good Morning Britain following the victory on Sunday, Fellowes reiterated his commitment. “I would love to make [a Downtown movie],”he said. “As far as I am concerned, I am completely up for it. Most of the cast are up for it.”费罗斯在接受早上好英国报采访时再次表达他的意愿:“我很愿意拍唐顿的电影版,就我个人而言,我是百分之百愿意参演的。大部分的剧中演员也都愿意参演。” |