FX has released another American Horror Story trailer.FX电视台发布了新一条《美国恐怖故事》宣传片。
In this case, Children of the Corn. In the middle of a cornfield, a group of incredibly creepy school children are shown pounding their desks in perfect unison. They then simultaneously raise their heads to the sky and reveal completely black eyes.在这条宣传片里,一群孩子在玉米地里。视频中间出现了一群孩子在敲桌子,然后突然他们一起抬头望向天空,可以看到他们眼睛全黑。
Is it creepy? Yes. But all the trailers are creepy. That doesn't change the fact that the majority of them are decoys.是不是很恐怖?没错,所有宣传片都很恐怖,不过不要忽略大部分宣传片都是假的。
We'll just have to wait until Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 10/9c to find out more.不过我们要等到9月14日回归才能得知真相了。