Vivian Maier was a children's nanny from Chicago.She died 5 years ago, an 83-year old with no heirsand barely a dollar to her name. She was also ahoarder. And inside hundreds of boxes were over150,000 undeveloped negatives from a camera shecarried everywhere. Now discovered, the imagesmake up a vast archive of street photography and portraits. And Vivian Maier is becomingregarded as a great American photographer of the 20th century. Her story has beendocumented by the film maker Charlie Siskel.
Well, Vivian was a nanny. She was a babysitter and sometimes a maid and at other points in herlife to care of the elderly. But that was her public self. Privately, she was a brilliant artist whoyear after year, decade after decade was creating over 150,000 incredible images.
What struck you most in terms of what she shot and what she was interested in and what kindof stories she was telling?
She had a particular knack for capturing street life, in particular a seedier side of life, peopleon the fringes of society. And I think Vivian felt like an outsider. And I think she had a naturalempathy for those people who like herself were forgotten and a bit invisible. Because she wasan outsider, I mean here she is living with these families, and yet she is not part of the family.So I think she really trained herself as a kind of spy. She described herself as the mysterywoman and really cultivated her ability to see people as they really are. She was a force ofnature. She was very engaged in the world. And she was a kind of guerilla journalist both interms of photo journalism, her photography and audio recordings where she would interviewpeople. She kept all of these things to herself. She kept things very much to herself. She didn'tover share as many of us do now. Especially in terms of photography, you know, she kept herphotographs private whereas the rest of us post every photograph of every meal we eat andevery sunset we see on Facebook and Instagram. So the film when I began working on it, Ithought that it was a story of a nanny who somehow happened to take these incrediblephotographs. 【不要走开,精彩内容请看下一页】