I often see numbers written like this: 19.456 thousand or this: 19,456
thousand. Neither is correct in English, and both may cause confusion.
In English we do not mix numerals and words unless we are using the words
“million”, “billion”, “trillion” etc. So, it is wrong to write, e.g., 24
thousand; instead you should write 24,000 or twenty-four thousand.
或者twenty-four thousand(用数字,就全部用数字;用单词,就全部用单词;不能夹杂着用)。
19.456 thousand or 19,456 thousand should therefore be written in English
in either of the following ways:
19,456,000 or 19.456 million (read as “nineteen million, four hundred and
fifty-six thousand” or “nineteen point four-five-six million”)
19,456,000 或者19.456 million(读作,一千九百四十五万六千)。
(兼职编辑:段保净) |