1. Write down your AIM: why are you writing this letter?
2.ASSEMBLE all relevant information and documents: copies of previous
correspondence, reports, figures etc.
3.ARRANGE the points in order of importance. Decide which points are
irrelevant and can be left out. Make rough notes.
4.Write an OUTLINE in note form. Check it through, considering these
Have you left any important points out?
Can the order of presentation be made clearer?
Have you included anything that is not relevant?
5. Write a FIRST DRAFT, leaving space for additions, changes and
6. REVIEW your first draft by considering these questions:
Does it cover all the essential points? Is the information relevant,
corrent and complete?
Are the grammar, spelling and punctuation correct?
Does it look attractive?
Does it sound natural and sincere?
Is it the kind of letter you would like to receive yourself?
Is it clear, concise and courteous?
Will it give the right impression?
7. Write, type or dictate your FINAL VERSION. |