发表于 2016-8-11 21:36:26
I was trying to convince her to marry me.
I first proposed to her on a trip to Great Britain, the first time she had
been overseas. And we were on the shoreline of this wonderful little lake, Lake
Ennerdale. I asked her tomarry me and she said I can’t do it.
So in 1974 I went home to teach in the law school and Hillary moved to
Massachusetts… to keep working on children’s issues.
Meanwhile, I was still trying to get her to marry me.
So the second time I tried a different tack. I said I really want you to
marry me, but you shouldn’t do it.
And she smiled and looked at me, like, what is this boy up to? She said
that is not a very good sales pitch. I said I know, but it’s true. And I meant
it, it was true.
I said I know most of the young Democrats our age who want to go into
politics, they mean well and they speak well, but none of them is as good as you
are at actually doing things to make positive changes in people’s lives.
So I suggested she go home to Illinois or move to New York and look for a
chance to run for office. She just laughed and said, “are you out of you mind,
nobody would ever vote for me.”
So I finally got her to visit me in Arkansas. And when she did, the people
at the law school were so impressed they offered a teaching position. And she
decided to take a huge chance. She moved to a strange place, more rural, more
culturally conservative than any place she had ever been.
And one day I was driving her to the airport to fly back to Chicago. When
we passed this little brick house that had a for sale sign on it, she said,
“boy, that’s a pretty house.” It had 1,100 square feet, an atticfan and no air
conditioner in hot Arkansas, and a screened-in porch.
Hillary commented on what a uniquely designed and beautiful house it was.
So I took a big chance. I bought the house. My mortgage was $175 a month.
When she came back, I picked up her up and I said, “you remember that house
you liked” She said yeah. I said, “while you were gone I bought it, you have to
marry me now.”
The third time was the charm.
《亲历历史:希拉里回忆录》从希拉里的中学时代写起,以白宫八年生活为中心,广泛涉及克林顿执政期间美国的对内对外政策,诸多重大国际国内政治事件的背景,她与克林顿之间的情感纠葛以及她本人作为第一夫人为促进妇女与儿童的权益保障开展的广泛活动,文笔坦白、亲切、幽默、充满激情,有极强的可读性。 |