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情景商务英语:034 个人介绍(二)









Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2016-8-10 09:00:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
        Camilla Peters
        West Coast
        Michael Boardman
        Los Angeles
        Women's Health Clinic






        Hi, Mike, do you have a minute? I'd like to introduce you to a good friend of mine.This is Camilla Peters.She is probably one of the foremost plastic surgeons on the West Coast these days. She's not only fabulous with a knife, but she's also my business partner and one of my nearest and dearest friends. Ms. Peters, I'm enchanted. How do you do? Camilla, this is Michael Boardman. He's the managing director of the Los Angeles Women's Health Clinic. A busy and energetic man, but he always manages to make enough time out of his busy schedule to beat me once in a while on the golf course. Mr.Boardman, I'm pleased to meet you. Is it true what Clard said? Don't believe everything you hear from this guy. I hardly ever manage to beat him. Please tell me more about what you do . I'd be happy to.
        A:嗨!迈克,你有时间吗?我想给你介绍一下我的一个好朋友。这是卡米拉。彼得斯。她可是如今西海岸最有名的整形外科医生之一。她不仅手术技术高超,而且还是我生意上的伙伴,我最亲近的朋友之一。 B:你好,彼得斯小姐,见到你很荣幸。 A:这是迈克尔.鲍得曼,他是洛杉矶妇女健康诊所的主管。他工作繁忙,精力充沛,但是他总会设法从繁忙的日程安排中抽出足够的时间去高尔夫球场击败我。 C:曼德先生,克拉克说的对吗? B:这家伙说话不要全信。我几乎就没有打败过他。 C:那给我讲讲你都做些什么。 B:我很乐意。 1)possible指客观上有可能性,但往往含有希望很小的意思。probable比pos- sible可能性大,表示“很可能”,指有实际依据或逻辑上合情合理。likely是从外表迹象进行判断,有可能发生的事。如: It is possible,though not probable,that he will come tomorrow.他明天可能来,但也不一定准来。 It isn't likely to rain.天不像要下雨。 2)possible不能用人作主语,常用It is possible to do sth.;It is possible for sb.to do sth.;It is possible that...等结构。如: It is possible for me to do it.我可能做那件事。 3)probable不能用人作主语,表示某人 可能做某事用It is probable that sb....结构。如: It is probable that he will come tonight.很可能他今晚要来。 4)likely既可以用人也可以用物作主语,还可以用It is likely that...结构替换。如: He is likely to come.=It is likely that he will come. not only...but also 的用法: (一)就近一致原则 Not only the students but also the teacher was invited. 不仅学生们被邀请,而且那位教师也被邀请了。 使用not only … but also … 时须注意的几点: (二) not only与but also后面所连接的词的词性必须对等: (1) Frankin was considered not only an inventor,but also a statesman. 富兰克林不仅被看作发明家,而且被看作政治家。 (2) The nurse was not only competent but also kind. 这位护士不仅能干而且亲切和蔼。 (3) They not only broke into his office and stole his books,but also tore up his manuscripts. 他们不仅闯进他的办公室,偷走了他的书,而且还撕掉了他的手稿。 (4) Not only you but also she has to attend the ceremony. 不令你而且她也得参加典礼。 (5) In production,we should always keep an eye not only on quantity but also on quality. 在生产中,我们不仅要关注数量,而且要关注质量。 (6) They completed the project not only punctually but also perfectly. 他们不仅准时完成工程,而且完成得很出色。 (三)not only只能连用,而but also既可连用,也可分开用: a. He speaks not only English,but also French. 他不仅说英语,还说法语。 b. Television is not only boring,but it also wastes a lot of time. 电视不仅乏味,而且还浪费许多时间。 c. She was not only compelled to stay at home,but she was also forbidden to see her friends. 她不仅被强迫蹲在家中,而且被禁止去看朋友。 (四)not only放在句首,后接句子时要用倒装结构: (1) Not only does television appeal to those who can read but to those who can't. 电视不仅吸引阅读的人,而且也吸引了不会阅读的人。 (2) Not only had the poor man been fined,but also he had been sent to prison. 这个可怜的人不仅被罚款,而且还被送进了监狱。 introduce vt.介绍 It was my younger brother who introduced me to jazz. 是我的弟弟介绍我听爵士乐的. Allow me to introduce my friend Miss Wood to you. 允许我向你介绍我的朋友伍德小姐. probably 很可能foremost adj.最重要的,最著名的,最好的 the foremost painter of his time 在他那个时代里首屈一指的画家 fabulous adj.令人惊异的,特别成功的 a fabulous performance 精采的表演 enchanted adj.着迷的 The boy was enchanted with the toy. 男孩对这玩具着了迷. energetic adj.精力旺盛的 He is an energetic tennis player. 他是个精力充沛的网球手. manage vt.设法 How did you manage to get their approval? 你怎么得到他们的同意的? beat vt.打,打败 I think Jack can beat all the runners in the country. 我认为杰克可以胜过这个国家的所有赛跑选手. client n.客户 He has been a valued client of our bank for many years. 他多年来一直是我们银行的重要客户. accompany vt.陪伴 He wished her to accompany him. 他希望她陪他. site n.场所 accommodate v. 使适应,调节,和解,帮助 You will have to accommodate yourself to the changed situation. 你必须适应变化了的形势. The policeman accommodated us when we asked for help. 我们请求警察帮忙,他爽快地答应了. plastic surgeon 整形外科医生West Coast 西海岸 business partner 生意伙伴 managing director 总经理 health clinic 健康诊所 golf course 高尔夫球场 Do you have a minute?你有时间吗? nearest and dearest friend 最亲爱的朋友 make time 找时间 once in a while 有时,偶尔 in charge of 负责

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