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发表于 2016-8-10 08:24:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Employers hardly ever make their best offer first, and candidates who negotiate their salary generally earn more than those who don’t.雇主们往往很难一开始开出高价,而那些善于谈价钱的员工往往比其他人赚的多哦。
        Also, very often people who at least attempt to ask for a higher salary are perceived more positively, since they’re demonstrating the skills the company wants to hire them for.当然那些经常试图去开出更高薪水的员工往往都相当积极,他们要不断展现出自己的技巧让公司看见。
        Here’s a step-by-step guide to negotiating your best salary yet:下面就来教教你如何一步一步谈到自己满意的工资吧:
        Do Your Research做好调研
        Before you go for an interview, you should find out what the market rates are for the job you’re looking for. There are salary surveys available online, and if you’re dealing with a recruitment agency, your consultant should be able to advise you on the salary range for the position you’re interviewing for.面试之前,你应该了解一下这个职位的市场情况。网上一般都可以找到薪资调查,如果你去咨询人力资源机构,你的顾问往往就能给你这个职位薪资幅度的建议。
        Also think about what you want from the job, both in terms of the job itself and in terms of remuneration. This will help you appear more self-assured during the interview and salary negotiation process.同时也要明白自己想从该职位中获得什么,无论是职位本身还是从报酬角度。这能让你在面试以及谈论薪资时表现的更加从容。
        Don’t Talk Money Too Early不要过早提钱
        You should never ask about a salary during the first interview. While we all want to earn more when we change jobs, no employer wants to hire someone whose only motivation to change jobs is a higher salary.第一次面试的时候绝对不要问关于薪资的问题。跳槽的时候我们都希望涨薪,但没有一个雇主希望聘请一个只是为了涨工资的员工。
        So, how do you answer the inevitable interview question, “What salary are you looking for?”所以,如何去回答这个面试中无可避免的问题:“你的薪资要求是多少呢?”
        This is where your homework becomes invaluable. Hopefully, you’ll know the market rates for the type of a position you‘re looking for. It’s better to give a range rather than a specific number — you don’t want to give a salary that’s perhaps lower than the employer is looking to pay, but you don’t want to price yourself out of the market, either.这时其他的都没有意义。好在,你知道这个职位市场的大概价位。所以最好去给一个薪资的范围而不是给出一个明确的数字-你不想给出低于雇主可提供的薪资,当然也不想把自己标价过高对吧。
        Emphasize that you’re primarily interested in finding the right job for you, and salary isn’t your main consideration.强调一下找到合适的职位才是你的兴趣所在,薪资不是最重要的衡量因素。
        Believe That You Can Negotiate In This Economy相信在这个经济环境下你是可以协商的
        It’s true that it will be easier in some industries than others. In my experience, salary scales in the public sector are usually fixed, and there isn’t much room for negotiation. When I make offers in my recruitment job, I take into account the candidate’s current salary, the company’s salary range for the position, market rates and also what other team members are earning.当然相对于其他行业而言,有些行业会更加容易一点。我的经验之谈就是大部分职位的薪资是固定的,没有太多协商的空间。一般我在招聘的时候,会考虑到员工现有的薪水,公司对这个职位的薪资幅度,市场比例以及其他员工的工资。
        If you’ve been selected as the candidate a company wants to hire, and you have some highly sought skills and experience, you’re in an excellent position to negotiate.如果你是公司想要去雇佣的员工,有着高超的技能和经验,那么你更有把握去协商一下啦。
        Don’t Be Afraid to Ask — But Don’t Demand, Either不要害怕去提要求-但也不要过于强硬
        Know what you’re worth and don’t be afraid to ask for it. No one loses a job offer because they ask for something — however, you can have a job offer pulled because of the way you ask.知道你自己的价值所在不要害怕去提要求。没有人会因为提要求而失去某个工作-但你可能会因为问法不当让offer泡汤。
        It’s important that your request is within the ballpark of the salary range, so avoid giving a specific number until the employer is ready to make you an offer. Remember to be enthusiastic, polite and professional during negotiations.一定要让自己的要求是在市场薪资范围中,所以除非雇主已经给了你offer,千万不要提及具体数字。在协商过程记住要有激情礼貌和专业性。
        Communicate to your prospective employer through your tone of voice and demeanor that your goal is a win-win solution. If you’re too pushy, the employer may get the impression that you’re not that interested in the job (or only interested in the money) and withdraw the offer.用合理的语气和方式告诉未来的老板这是个双赢的局面。如果你过于强硬,老板会觉得你其实对工作本身兴趣不大(或只是关心钱而已)从而收回offer哦。
        Keep Selling Yourself要会销售自己
        As you go through the interviewing and negotiating process, remind the employer how they will benefit from your skills and experience. Let’s say, for example, that the employer wants to offer $50K, but you’re looking for minimum $57K base salary. Explain how they’d benefit by increasing your compensation. For example:在面试和协商时,要让雇主明白他们从你的技能和经验中能获得的好处。这么说吧,比如你的雇主想给你50K,但你觉得最起码也应该是57k。让他们知道这个涨薪能给他们带来什么利益,比如:
        “I realize you have a budget to worry about. However, I believe that with the desktop publishing and graphic design skills I bring to the position, you won’t have to hire outside vendors to produce customer newsletters and other publications. That alone should produce far more than $7K in savings a year.”“我知道你担心的是预算的问题。然而,我相信自身可以给这个职位带来桌面印刷以及图样设计技能,我相信你也不希望让其他公司的人来帮忙创作顾客信以及其他出版物吧。单就这一方面每年能省下来的就不止7K了哦。”
        In other words, justify every additional dollar or benefit you request. Remember to do so by focusing on the employer’s needs, not yours.换句话来说,衡量每一块钱涨薪或者是你要求的福利。记住要关注雇主的需求而非你自己的。
        Make Them Jealous让他们大方点
        If you’re interviewing for other jobs, you might want to tell employers about your offer. This should speed up the interview process. If they know you have another offer, you’ll seem more attractive to them, and it might help you negotiate a higher salary.如果你还在面试其他的职位,也许就会想跟雇主谈谈offer了。这能加速面试的进程。如果他们知道你还有其他的offer,似乎对那个更感兴趣,这也能帮助你谈个好价钱哦。
        Ask For a Fair Price要一个合理的价钱
        You really need to ensure your requests are reasonable and in line with the current marketplace. A few days ago, I spoke to a candidate for an analyst role who’d asked for a salary of $55K-$60K. Since all analysts at his level (three years of experience) earn between $35K-$40K, this candidate had priced himself out of the process with his unreasonable demands.要保证你的开价非常合理也符合现在的市场需求。几天之前,我跟一个应聘分析师的候选人聊天,他开价年薪55K-60K。而他这个级别的分析师(三年工作经验)薪资普遍在年薪35K-40K,这个人很明显把自己定位在了市场之外提出了不合理的要求。
        However, if the salary offer is below market value, you might want to (gently!) suggest it’s in the company’s best interest to pay the going rate:然而如果你的薪资要求低于市场,你也许会想要(礼貌的)建议公司加薪:
        “The research that I’ve done indicates the going rate for a position such as this is $6K higher than this offer. I’d really love to work for you and I believe I can add a lot of value in this job; however, I can’t justify doing so for less than market value. I think if you reevaluate the position and consider its importance to your bottom line, you’ll find it’s worth paying market price to get someone who can really make an impact quickly.”“关于这个职位的薪资市场价一直在上涨,现在大概是6K。我真的希望能有机会为你做事,也相信我能给这个职位带来很多的利益;然而,我不能拿一个低于市场价的薪资,我认为如果你再重新衡量一下这个职位,想想你这个底线的重要性,你会发现这值得去开出市场价来聘用能很快上手干事的人。”
        Negotiate Extras and Be Creative谈谈薪资之外的事,有点创意
        If the employer can’t offer you the salary you want, think about other valuable options that might not cost as much. You can look at negotiating holiday days (e.g. if new employees must work for six to 12 months before receiving paid holidays, ask that this restriction be waived.), ask for yearly salary reviews or negotiate a sign-on or performance bonus.如果雇主不能给你满意的薪资,想想其他有价值且花钱不多的方法。你可以谈谈年假(比如新员工一般都需要工作半年到一年才能获得带薪年假,让他们把这个标准降一降呗。),要求有个年度的薪资总结或是谈一谈表现奖励什么的吧。
        Be Confident要有信心
        Remember to use confident body language and speech patterns. When you make a salary request, don’t go on and on, stating over and over again why it’s justified. Make your request and offer a short, simple explanation of why that amount is appropriate.记住要用自信的身体语言和说话方式。当你提出薪资要求的时候,不要一直不停的说啊说啊,不断地申明这是多么的合理。简明清晰的提出你的要求,以及为什么要这个价钱。
        Finally, it’s a smart negotiating strategy to ask for a few benefits or perks you don’t want that badly. Then you can “give in” and agree to take the job without those added benefits if the employer meets all of your other requests.最后,要求涨薪或者增加点福利真的需要一定的谈判技巧。然后你可以“妥协”同意接受工作,哪怕雇主没有给你加薪却满足了其他的福利要求。
        Ideally, both parties in a negotiation should come away from the table feeling that they’ve won. This is especially true when you’re dealing with salary negotiations. You want employers to have good feelings about the price paid for your services so that your working relationship begins on a positive note.最理想得状况是双方在协商过程中能感受到双赢的局面。这在谈薪资的时候真的尤为准确。你希望你的雇主对你的要求也感到很合理,这样你们的工作关系一开始就很和谐啦。

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