Declan, of Maghull, Merseyside, had borrowed his father’s credit card to buy his mother a birthday card from the Moonpig website. Once online, he succumbed to temptation and went on an unconnected poker site, simply saying that he was over 18 to start gambling.
He said yesterday: ‘It started off in school. My mate got into the poker games, it was free to download, we were all doing it. It was all virtual money but I got really good at it, I was making loads. I went on to one of the poker websites and put all the information in. I started making a bit, but not as much as I was losing.’
Desperate to win back the money he had lost on his father’s card, Declan carried on playing, digging himself even deeper into a hole.
Declan is now volunteering for a charity so he can warn other families about the dangers of underage gambling. He was too ashamed to admit what he had done even when his father, a 52-year-old lorry driver, found out to his shock that his credit limit had been exceeded and his card was blocked.
Declan, now 13, kept quiet for a week, wiping all the online games off the home computer in an effort to cover his tracks before he finally confessed. ‘I was mad, really livid, for weeks, but I was also shocked,’ said Mr Hind.
As no fraud had taken place, Mr Hind had to pay the bill himself, which totalled £7,000 including interest. Now he is working with child protection charity Prevention Town to produce information packs for school and raise awareness of the pitfalls of online gambling.
沪江英语快讯:近日据外媒报道,一名英格兰的13岁少年借用父亲的信用卡为母亲网购生日礼物,但他与同学免费下载了赌博机,在谎称自己已满18岁在以后,狂刷信用卡7000英镑直至刷爆。如今这名少年在慈善团体做义工,借此警告其他家庭未成年人赌博的危害。52岁的父亲是个卡车司机,他表示将会独立偿还债务。 |