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发表于 2016-8-10 08:21:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Travel is an unavoidable part of building and growing a successful business. Even if many of your contacts are local, you’ll eventually find it necessary to cross the country or even leave the country to network or lead a workshop at an industry event. Whether you enjoy traveling or not, going solo can take away from any enjoyment a trip might bring. When the day’s events come to a close, you may find yourself hanging out alone in your hotel room, missing your family and friends.But life on the road doesn’t have to be lonely. There are things you can do to make your trip a more enjoyable experience. These ideas will help you enjoy any city whether you have a travel companion or not.出差旅行是建立和发展成功事业的过程中不可避免的组成部分。即使你的大部分联系人都是本地客户,你也还得跨国甚至出境参与或主持同行的商务会议。无论你是否乐在其中,独自出行也许会带走旅途中的不少乐趣。在接近会议举行时,你会发现自己独自在旅馆的房间里,脑海中充满着对家人和朋友的思念。但是生命的旅程也不必如此孤单。你可以做这些事情使得旅途更加有趣。下面这些小事情能帮助你在任何一个城市里都能感到快乐自在,无论旅途过程中是否有同伴。
        1. Dine out.1.外出就餐。
        Sure, you can eat in your hotel room and watch Seinfeld reruns, but that won’t help stave off loneliness. Instead, choose a top-notch local restaurant and enjoy an evening of fine dining. If the thought of sitting at a table alone fills you with dread, choose a venue with live music. You can also sit at the bar, where you can sometimes strike up a conversation with bartenders and fellow solo diners. Try to do a little research in advance and plan this out before you even get on a plane.当然,你可以在旅店房间里就餐并看着电视剧的重播,但这并不能缓解你的孤独感。相反,找一家当地一流的餐馆然后享用美美的一顿吧。如果你因为独自坐在餐桌前而感到不安,那就找一家有现场音乐表演的餐厅吧。你也可以坐到吧台前,不时与调酒师或与同是独自就餐的新朋友闲聊。在出发前,可以稍作资料收集,然后做好计划。
        2. See the sights.2. 观光游览。
        You don’t have to sightsee alone, even if you don’t have a travel partner. If you have a free afternoon, join a tour group that will take you around the city. If you’re only free after five p.m., look for a few local attractions that are open for tours at night. Usually these tours are either conducted as groups or through pre-recorded tours where everyone wears headphones. You’ll be able to learn more about the local area and you may meet a few interesting people along the way.即使在差旅的过程中你没有同伴,你不必独自去观光游览。如果你有一个空闲的下午,那就加入旅行团,让它带着你游览整个城市吧。如果你只在傍晚后才能腾出时间,那就找一些当地的夜游项目。通常这些旅游行程要么组成团队要么就会预录成观光片让游人带上耳机聆听。这样你就能吸收更多当地的人文资讯,说不定还能在旅途中结识几位有趣的朋友呢。
        3. Strike up conversations with strangers.3.主动与陌生人聊天。
        If you’re in the mood for a chat and a phone call home doesn’t satisfy that craving, head downstairs to the lobby. You may find a few other bored strangers, eager to hang out and talk. Throughout your trip, get to know the front desk clerks, doormen, concierge, and valets and chat with them as you can. Even a few minutes of conversation can go far in helping stave off feelings of loneliness.如果你想找人聊天,而给家里打电话还不足以让你解闷,不妨下楼到旅馆大厅吧。也许你会找到几个同样感到沉闷想找别人聊天的陌生人。在整个旅程中,你可以去认识前台的工作人员,看门人或服务员,然后跟他们聊天。即使是短短的几分钟闲谈,也能大大缓解旅途的孤独感。
        4. Find local meetups.4. 加入当地聚会。
        In every town, on any day of the week, there are at least a few events happening. Join a gym with multiple locations nationwide and use that membership while you’re traveling. This will allow you to keep your usual workout routine, which may give you that feeling of being at home. This can be especially beneficial if your trip lasts longer than a few days.在每个城镇里,在任何一天中,基本都会举行一些晚会。到一个多地连锁的健身场所,并利用会员的身份好好在差旅过程中锻炼锻炼。这样能保持你的日常业余活动,也许让你感到如家一般熟悉。而且这种活动对于行程远远多于几天的差旅特别有用。
        5. Use a co-working space. 5.利用共同工作的空间。
        Coworking spaces are showing up around the country, offering professionals office space for rent for a few hours, entire days, or months at a time. Check into local coworking spaces where you can connect to Wi-Fi, access printers and copiers if needed, and interact with local professionals. Some organizations will even let you try their space for free the first time, the way some gyms do. In addition to helping you get out of your hotel room, this move may also help you make valuable business connections in a city far away from your own.共用的工作空间遍布全国,为专业人士提供办公场所,每次可租用几个小时,一整天或数月。如有需要,调查当地是否备有连接无线网络,打印与复印的配置,并与当地的专业人士联系。有些机构还会为你提供首次免费试用,正如健身场所的模式。除此之外,让你摆脱整天呆在旅馆的沉闷,还会帮你带来与地理位置甚远的同行的宝贵商务联系机会。
        After a long day of meetings, some professionals simply want to spend time alone, relaxing and unwinding. However, after a day or two, solo traveling can be draining. By leaving your hotel room and exploring local restaurants, attractions, and events, you may find that you’re able to make your business trips more enjoyable and productive than ever before.经过了一天下来的会议,一些专业人员只想独自相处,放松和缓冲自己。然而,过了1,2天后,单独的旅程就会耗费人的精力。所以,离开你的旅馆房间,去探寻当地的餐馆,游览观光胜地,参与聚会,你会发现差旅安排可以比之前的更有声有色。

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