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6个出差健康贴士 送给常年奔波的你









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发表于 2016-8-10 08:21:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Long flights. Jet lag. Bad coffee. Marathon meetings. Business travel can take a toll on your body. Not to mention the added stress of "being on" and representing your company at new business pitches, networking events and board meetings. How you deal with such kind of headaches? Here are a few tips for you. 长途航班,时差,难喝的咖啡,马拉松式的会议......够了,出差真的消耗很大的体力。更不用说"到场"和代表公司参与新的发展方向,人际交往和管理层会议的外部压力了。到底该怎么办呢?下面有一些小提示,帮助你缓解出差的压力。
        Start in the airplane. 从机场开始。
        Move your ankles up and down, heel to toe, and in circles (both directions) 上下转动脚踝,从脚跟到脚趾,分别往顺时针和逆时针方向转动
        Squeeze your buttocks and then release 挤压臀部再放松
        March in place by bringing you knees to chest 把膝盖抬至胸部高度向前走
        Push your shoulders back into the seat 把肩膀压在椅子的靠背上
        Fit in exercises in the comfort of your hotel room.在舒适的酒店房间做运动。
        Stand-up straight, eyes forward and balance on one leg to the count of 10, then balance on the other leg to the count of 10 身体站直,目光向前,以单脚站在地上保持平衡,数到10,再换另外一条腿
        Feet slightly apart, reach and look up towards the ceiling with your arms and eyes. Feel the stretch and take in a deep breath as you reach up 脚微微分开,伸展,双手和视线往上,看向天花板。在伸展的时候感觉到延伸的感觉并深呼吸。
        Starting with feet flat on the floor, go up and down on your toes 5 - 10 times 双脚平踩在地板上,脚趾垫高5-10次。
        Do a series of 5 - 10 squats. Squat as far as you can comfortably go and then straighten back up 一次做5-10次蹲坐。尽可能在感觉舒适的情况下蹲坐,然后在恢复。
        Just breathe. 呼吸。
        Breathing techniques before an important presentation will help the voice sound confident and boost your energy level. Assume a comfortable position, either sitting or standing, and place your fingers lightly on the lower portion of your breast bone, just above your stomach. Then breathe in through your nose. . Count to 3 while you breathe in and to 6 when you breathe out. This will help you concentrate on the breathing and not on your nerves. 在做展示前深呼吸有助增强声音的自信和促进能力提升。选择一个舒服的姿势,要么坐着,要么站直,然后把手指轻轻放在胸骨下方,胃部以上。然后用鼻子呼吸。吸气的时候数到6再呼气。这样就可以把注意力集中在呼吸而不是紧张的情绪上。
        Say no to the fifth cup of coffee.不要喝太多咖啡。
        Try this instead. When your colleague says, "let's grab a coffee" suggest a walk instead. Walking is a wonderful way of getting exercise and removes you from distractions, not to mention drinking coffee sends you to the rest room more often. Conversations flow more freely and business gets accomplished. 不妨试试这个。当你的同事说,"喝杯咖啡吧!",此时不如提议出去走走。散步是个很不错的锻炼方式,并且可以使你免于打扰,不会让你常常流连于休息室喝咖啡。人际交流就会更自由顺畅,事情也会更加成功。
        推荐:咖啡真的会上瘾 3步戒掉其实很容易
        Resist the urge to catch up on emails during quick breaks. 不要急于在空闲时间查阅邮件。
        Business travel is time away from the desk and your emails. Let others know that you have limited access to your emails by setting up an automatic "out of office" email response. Schedule a time to check emails either before you arrive at the meeting or at the end of your day. During a meeting, focus your efforts on engaging in conversation and exchanging knowledge. 商务旅行就是让你远离办公桌和邮件的好时机。让他们意识你没空查阅电子邮件,设定"不在工作中"的自动回复吧。安排一个检查邮件的固定时间,要么会议前要么活动结束后。在会议中,要把注意力集中在与别人的交流和交换信息的过程中。
        Time zone changes. 倒时差
        When traveling across time zones, assume a routine that matches, as closely as possible, to the one back home. Try to get the same amount of sleep, at the same time. Hotel rooms can be dry, so stay hydrated and avoid the restaurant size portions and fast food. 跨时区旅行时,假设合适的时间段,尽可能贴近回家的时间。尽量睡眠一定的时间。酒店的房间可能会很干燥,所以要保湿并减少进食酒店里量大的食物和快餐。

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