You can't help being on the road for work, but you can do something about how long your trip has to take. Check out these 10 time saving tips for business travelers, so you can spend less time on the travel, and more time on the business.要出差了,你实在有点迫不及待,在出发前,你可以为自己的漫长的旅程做些准备。下面是10条省时小贴士,这样你就可以节省更多时间,更专注于工作上了。
1.Keep a Packed Bag1. 准备一个打包好的背包。
Even if you don't know when your next business trip will be, get in the habit of re-packing your carry-on bag with fresh clothing and essentials when you return from being on the road. It may seem like an annoyance, but this step will save you valuable minutes the next time your alarm goes off at 4 a.m. for an early morning flight and all you have to do is reach for a bag and go.即使你并不清楚你下一次的出差在何时,但是养成习惯,把干净的衣服和必需品在回家的路上先打包好,这样就万无一失了。也许看起来比较麻烦,但是这的确可以节省你的宝贵时间,下次闹钟在4点响起吵醒你去赶飞机了,而你只需要拿个包就可以直接走。
2.Fly Regional Airports2. 乘坐区域机场的飞机
Your travel agent may steer you towards the big hubs, where there are more flight choices, but flying out of smaller airports can save you time and hassle. Security lines, traffic, parking, and the check-in process are often easier and quicker at smaller or regional airports, so be sure to consider all of your options before booking.你的旅游代理也许会带你到市中心,因为那里有更多的航班选择,但是在小机场也可节省你的时间和麻烦。警戒线,交通,停车以及登记流程通常在小型机场或区域机场更容易更快捷通过,所以在预订航班前可以考虑自己所有的选择。
3.Book Direct Flights3. 预订直飞机票
4. Check In Online4. 在网上登记入住酒店
5. Select Your Seat5. 选座位
Ask that your travel agent seat you near the front of the plane whenever possible (this is after you have requested your first class upgrade, of course!). You can check your seat assignment as you check in online, and make changes if seats have become available further to the front. Being able to hop off the plane quickly - and avoid throngs of amateur travelers in the aisles - will save time and your sanity.向旅游代理要求,把自己的座位安排在飞机的越前排越好(当然这是你决定乘坐头等舱之后)。你可以在登记入闸时查询你的座位号,如果有机会坐前排的位置便做出调整。这样尽快登机——并且避免与大批业余旅客在通道拥挤,既能省时也能保持头脑清醒。
6.Sign Up for a Clear Security Pass6. 登记安检
7. Sign Up for Frequent Flier Programs7. 报名参与飞行常客计划
Members of frequent flier programs - particularly fliers with status - can gain access to designated security and check-in lines, which are always shorter and faster. 飞机常客的成员,特别是有地位的乘客,可以获得通过特定的安检和登记通道的权限,这样也常常都会花费更少的时间。
8.Program Your GPS Unit8. 设置GPS系统
Program the addresses for all of the stops you'll be making on your trip (including airports, hotels, meetings and restaurants) into the "favorites" section of your GPS unit. This will eliminate the need to fumble with maps or ask for, and look up, directions on the road.把所有行程中所到达的地方的地址设置好(包括机场,酒店,会场和饭店等),把它们设置到你的GPS定位系统中的“我的最爱”里面。这样就可以节省查找,询问,查看地址的不必要的时间。
9.Park Smarter9. 更灵活地停车
One of the biggest time wasters for business travelers is the hassle of parking. Sign up for monthly parking passes wherever they are available to avoid waiting in long pay lines. Try to always park in the same lot to lesson your chances of a lengthy search when you get home. At the very least, don't forget to write your car location down on one of your business cards.差旅过程中最浪费时间的事情之一就非停车莫属了。注册每月停车通行证以此在排队等待漫长的停车过程中可以用得上。尽量把车停在同一个位置,减少你回家时寻找车子的时间。至少,不要忘了把车子的位置记录在你其中一张名片上。
The fastest way to get in and out of an airport is to use valet parking, but you'll pay a premium for this service. When you're running late for a flight, this option can be the difference between missing or catching your flight.最快速进出机场的方法就是使用代客泊车,不过你得支付额外的服务费用。当你快要赶不上一次航班了,代客泊车的方式就能让你看得出来错过飞机与赶上飞机的区别了。
10.Rental Car Tips10. 租借汽车
Members of auto loyalty programs face a much shorter wait when both picking up and dropping off cars. Research which rental company has the most convenient pick up and drop off location - many facilities are off of airport grounds, requiring additional travel by bus or train. Lastly, sign up for e-receipts (if available through the carrier), as this will save you time at drop-off as well as when you are doing your expenses.汽车忠诚计划的成员在取车和停车时可以减少等待的时间。搜索哪一家出租车公司拥有最快速的接送方位——因为机场缺少很多所需的设备,如你还需要额外的乘坐公共汽车或火车的旅程。最后,注册获取电子收据(如果能够从司机处获取就更好了),这样也可以减少下车和支付费用的时间了。 |