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发表于 2016-8-10 08:18:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Soon you could be competing with a robot for a job.很快,你就会和机器人竞争上岗啦!
        Amy Webb, a digital media futurist and founder of Webbmedia Group, predicts at least eight career fields are "ripe for disruption" very soon -- like in the next 10 to 20 years.据数字未来主义者兼韦伯集团的创立人埃米·韦伯预言,至少有八大领域,约摸在接下来的10到20年间很快就会分崩离析。
        1) Toll booth operators and cashiers: People who work in the transactional space shouldn't be big fans of the Apple Watch or Apple Pay.收费站管理员和收营员:交易场所工作的人估计不会怎么喜欢"苹果手表"或"苹果支付"吧。
        That's because the rise of wearable technology and mobile payment systems may make jobs like toll booth operator and grocery store cashier virtually obsolete.因为可穿戴科技和手机支付系统的兴起使得收费站管理员和杂货店收营员形同虚设。
        2) Marketers: Powerful advertising tools of the future may allow brands to fashion their messages to customers with precision accuracy.市场营销人员:未来强大的广告工具能让品牌精确精准地向客户投放信息。
        Webb pointed to new experiments with technologies that study customer behavior to identify what kind of ads will be most effective.韦伯指出,新型的依托技术手段研究客户行为,以确定投放何种广告最为有效。
        "This is pretty much unlike anything we've seen before," she said. “If these tools work, they may translate to smaller creative and strategic teams at marketing and ad firms. ”"这和我们之前看到的都不一样,“韦伯说,“如果这些工具奏效的话,就可以转化成更小、更有创造力、更有战略技术的营销和广告公司团队。”



        3) Customer service: Many customer service jobs have been shipped overseas to India and other lower-paying countries. New technologies like predictive analytics could kill off more of these jobs.客户服务:许多客服工作已经包给印度和其他一些低薪的海外国家了。新型技术,如预示分析,可以秒掉更多的此类工作。
        4) Factory workers: Get ready for robots to steal more manufacturing jobs from humans -- at a cheaper price and without taking breaks to text their friends.工厂工人:做好准备吧,机器人将从人类手中掳走更多的生产类工作——机器人成本更低廉,还不会趁休息时间给朋友发发短信。
        5) Financial middle men: Don't knock Bitcoin -- Its underlying technology may steal your job.金融经纪人:别小瞧了比特币(电子货币的一种形式)——这潜在的科技或许就偷了你的饭碗。
        Blockchain, Bitcoin's computer program, is able to automatically process transactions and create a perfect, reliable digital record.“区域链”是比特币的电脑程序,它可以自动处理交易并且创立一份完善可靠的数字记录。
        Webb believes blockchain will disrupt the middle men in the banking, escrow, insurance and mortgage sectors.韦伯认为“区域链”会在银行业务、第三方托管、保险和抵押业务方面撼动经纪人的地位。
        6) Journalists: The Internet wiped out countless newspapers, and new technology could kill even more journalism positions.新闻记者:因特网灭了无数新闻报纸,而新技术或将歼灭更多新闻岗位。
        Webb, a former journalist at Newsweek and The Wall Street Journal, said the next culprit will be algorithms that allow news outlets to automatically create stories and place them on websites without human interaction. Robot journalists are already writing thousands of articles a quarter at The Associated Press.韦伯作为《新闻周刊》和《华尔街日报》前新闻记者说道,下一个灭记者的罪魁祸首将会是算法库。算法库可以让新闻大纲自动生成故事并上传到网站,根本不用人工动手。机器人记者已在美联社一刻钟就写了成千的稿件了。



        7) Lawyers: If you're going into the legal world, veer toward litigation.律师:如果你要涉足法律界,那就瞄准诉讼吧。
        Webb believes non-litigation lawyers could soon be replaced by online form-based services like LegalZoom that can carry out simple tasks like trademark applications, wills and even divorce.韦伯认为,非诉讼业务律师很快就会被LegalZoom这样的线上律师服务取代,这些线上律师事务所可以执行简单的项目,诸如申请商标、处理遗产和离婚事务。
        8) Phone workers: Many millennials don't have landline phones. That trend is only likely to continue with the advances of digital communication.电话公司职员:好多千禧一代(上世纪八、九十年代出生的人)是没有固定电话的。这一趋势只有可能随着数字通讯的进步发展而持续下去。
        That means telecom companies like AT&T and Verizon could eliminate billing, operator and other positions on the telephone side of the business.这也就意味着像美国电话电报公司和威瑞森这样的通信公司会取消广告投放、业务操作和其他电话方面的业务。
        Fearing the future? These predictions will make people who work in these fields understandably cringe. But Webb isn't pessimistic about what lies ahead. One outcome may be that tomorrow's employers will value very different skillsets than today's.害怕未来?不难理解,这些预言会使在上述领域工作的人畏畏缩缩。但韦伯也不是对未来持悲观态度。一大结果即是未来的雇主会和今天的有所不同,会重视不同的技能。

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